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Saturday, 11:49 am

"There boys. Sometimes the can be stupid." Jazmyn says as we look through the clothes.

"We both heard that." Justin and Frankie come from behind us and I roll my eyes, turning back around.

"Good." I mumble.

"Ariana, don't be mad at us." Justin says.

I ignore him, moving away from the clothes and to the accessories.

"The silent treatment. Like her stubborn butt hasn't done that before." Frankie sighs.

It's not like Frankie cares that I'm not talking to them, but I know Justin does. I don't care what they do, I'm not gonna say a word to them.

"I'll buy you whatever you want." Justin says.

I can't ignore new stuff. I turn around slowly and see Justin holding his wallet up.

"Whatever I want?" I ask.

"Whatever you want." Justin nods and Frankie scoffs, walking over to Jaxon.

"How much money do you have?" I question.

"Why is that important?"

"You said whatever I want. I have to get something that costs the same amount of money you have."

"You are so difficult." Justin sighs, taking two $100 bills from his wallet.

"I have $213." He takes out two fives and three $1 bills.

"Well I'll just have to get a bunch stuff." I shrug, running around hlthe store and picking up anything I like.

"I think that's enough." Justin says.

"Fine. But only since I'm nice." I reply, a smile on my face.

We walk to the check out counter and the cashier rings everything up.

"Your total comes to $98.63."

"Thank God." Justin mumbles.

He gives the cashier a hundred dollar bill, telling her to keep his change.

"Don't worry. It's not all for me. Some is for Jazmyn." I say.

"I'm never doing that again. Next time you can just stay mad at me." Justin sighs.

"Let's put this in the car before the movie starts." Frankie says.

We walk out of the store and to the car. After all three bags are inside, Frankie locks the car and we start walking back to the mall. On the way, I see Emma and her friends leaving.

She rolls her eyes at me and I smile.

"I'm sorry, Justin." I say.

"It's fine. I have a job. And parents with money." He replies, lifting me off of my feet.

I smile, wrapping my arms around him. This whole situation describes our relationship. He does something that makes me mad, then he spoils me to make me happy again.

"Dude, you've gotta stop spoiling her so much." Frankie says.

"I know, I know. I can't help it, she's so adorable." Justin replies.

"I'm right here."

"Good. Stop letting him spoil you."

"I don't want him to spoil me."

"Looks like you've both come to an agreement." Frankie says as we walk into the mall theater.

Frankie buys the tickets and we go to the concession stand. After everyone is satisfied with their snacks, we follow Justin into the theater.

From left to right, it's Frankie, Jaxon, Jazmyn, me then Justin. It seems like the previews are on for about ten years, but it's actually only ten minutes. I'm just impatient.

2:37 pm

"That was the best movie ever!" Jazmyn says.

"I'm gonna have to agree with that." Justin says.

"I third what the for said." Frankie replies.

"Me too!"

"If only Jaxon could agree. It was his idea." Justin looks at his little brother, asleep, on his shoulder.

"Since when has Jax ever stayed awake for a whole movie?" Jazmyn asks.

"That's a good point." Justin nods as we walk out of the mall and to the car.

"I'm very exhausted. I think it's time to go home." Justin says, buckling Jaxon into the car.

"Can you drive?" Frankie asks Justin.

"Of course I can. But the question is 'do I want to?'."

"Do you want to drive?"

"I'd love to."

"Thanks." Frankie goes to the passenger side and Justin goes to the drivers side.

Justin drives us home and we all get out.

"You guys can do whatever you want. I'm going to sleep." Justin says, collapsing on the couch.

"Do you wanna go in the basement?" I ask Jazmyn.

She nods, and we leave the boys upstairs, walking down into the basement. There's a man cave for my dad, which he never uses because he's never here, and there's a lounge for everybody.

In the lounge, there's a TV, some couches, and a bar, which we can't do anything with.

"What should we watch?" I ask.

"Spongebob." Jazmyn says.

We all know that's her favorite show.

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