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Saturday, 11:00 pm

Justin immediately goes to punch the first man in the face but the man stops him.

"Wait, stop. We're not here to hurt you."

"That's hard to believe. What do you want? How did you get in here? Why are you walking around the house banging on doors and yelling?" I say.

"Where are the other kids?"

"How do you know there's other kids?" Justin asks.

"Well first of all, you're hiding in a little girl's closet, and neither of you look like little girls to me. I know there's two little girls and one little boy, hiding somewhere in this house. If you don't tell me where they are right now, then maybe I will hurt you."

I look at Justin and he nods.

"Ari, Jazzy, Jax. Come on out." I say.

Jaxon is the first one to come out of his spot. He runs to Justin's side and Justin picks him up.

"Where are the other two?" The second man says.

"Ariana, Jazmyn. Come on." I walk into the closet and Ariana emerges from her spot.

Ariana grabs my hand and squeezes the life out of it. Jazmyn comes out too and stands in between me and Justin.

"Hey, girls. How are you?" The first man says.

"Don't talk to them. Talk to us. What do you want?"

"Well, we were hired to come pick you up and take you to your parents. Our boss has them and he wants you too."

"No thanks." Justin says.

"Yeah, about that. It's not a choice." Both of the men take something out of the pockets and before me or Justin can react, they spray all five of us in the face.

This causes me to cough and fall to the ground before everything goes black.


Time Unknown (ooooh spooky)

I wake up in the back of a truck, and the only reason I can tell is because it's bumpy and moving and loud.

It's dark but I can still see Justin, Frankie, Jazmyn, and Jaxon laying down.

"Hello? Are you guys awake? What's going on?" I say.

Nobody responds so I shake all of them multiple times. Jazmyn is the only one to wake up, and we both curl into balls in the farthest corner from the door.

"I'm so scared. I want my mom and dad." Jazmyn says.

I do too. I guess that's what I'm gonna get. But not the way I want.

I bury my face in my knees and cry my eyes out.

"Ari, don't cry. They might come back here." Jazmyn tells me.

I ignore her, and then I hear her sniffling.

"Who am I kidding? They don't care. We're gonna die."

This statement makes us both cry harder.

"We are gonna die. We're gonna die and I'll never see my family again. I'll never see anyone again. And they'll never see me again." Jazmyn says.

"Hey, hey, hey. Girls, you're not gonna die. None of us are gonna die. Don't ever say that again." I look up and see Justin awake and looking at us.

"But we are gonna die. They kidnapped us, like they did my parents. And they're probably dead too!" I tell him.

"Ariana, your parents are not dead. Do not say that again. Don't say we're gonna die again, because we're not. We're gonna be okay. And you're gonna see your parents, and they'll know what to do."

Justin sits in between us and wraps his arms around both of us.

"We're gonna be okay. I promise you that. Me and Frankie aren't gonna let anything happen to you. We'll keep you safe. That's what we've done since earlier, isn't it?"

Neither of us say anything and Justin repeats himself.

"Haven't we?" He says.

"You have. But we don't know what they're gonna do to us." Jazmyn says.

"Exactly. So why would you assume that we're gonna die?"

"I don't know. But seriously, we've been kidnapped and we have no idea where we're going, or what time it is. We don't know anything."

"What the hell is going on?" I look over and see my big brother sitting up, rubbing his head.

"Frankie!" I rush into his arms and he hugs me.

"What is happening?" Frankie asks.

"We're in a truck going somewhere."


"If you knew that then why did you ask?" Justin says.

Frankie doesn't respond, and he starts rubbing my back.

"You'll be okay, Ari. We all will." He whispers.

"Why isn't Jax awake yet?" Jazmyn asks.

Justin looks at his little brother and nudges him.

"Jax, wake up."

Jaxon doesn't move.

"Hey, little bro. Come on. Get up." Justin shakes him again, but Jaxon doesn't respond.

"What the hell did they do to him?" Justin pulls Jaxon into his lap and tries to open his eyes.

"J, come on, man. Wake up."

"Something's not right." Frankie says.

"Maybe the stuff they sprayed wasn't meant to be used on kids." Justin replies.

"He'll wake up. He has to. He's my little brother." Jazmyn rubs Jaxon's head as the truck comes to a halt.

I hear doors slamming and footsteps before the truck door is pulled up and the same two men from before are standing there.


I want Chinese food so bad but that's not important right now, even tho it kind of is.. BECAUSE I'M STARVING!!

Okay I'm done bye

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