Chapter 4

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  We found Amy right where he said we would, on the docks south of town, which turned out to be a short walk away. Everything in this little village had more or less gone to sleep by now, since it was nearing five in the morning, and the streets were empty and silent. Debra clung close to me in the dark, though we weren't bothered all the way to the docks. They, too, were almost completely abandoned, save for a fisherman who slept on the back of his boat, and Amy, leaning against the side of his own boat. He was reading a small book which he held in both hands, still with a cigar stuck between his teeth. The boat, bobbing lazily next to the dock, was one of those old military-style patrol boats, sitting low beside the dock, muddy tires keeping it from scraping against the wood. It had little room in it for anything aside from a driver and a few people to sit in a bench seat at the back. Next to the driver's seat was a small reinforced ladder, at the top of which was mounted a heavy-looking machine gun.

Amy didn't react as we approached, his eyes still firmly focused on the book. We stood there awkwardly for a second, and then Deb cleared her throat expectantly. Amy held up a finger, eyes flicking back and forth on the page, and then he turned the page before folding the corner back and closing the book. I took a moment to read the title: "An Introductory Guide to Buddhism".

"So." He said calmly, tossing the little book onto the boat's dashboard. "The all-American thrill-seekers are back. Change your mind, have you?" He turned to regard me with that same cool smirk he wore when I'd refused his offer earlier.

"As a matter of fact, we have." I said, gesturing to Deb and shifting my stance slightly, trying to look brave. I think I half-succeeded.

"Huh." Amy said thoughtfully, pushing away from the boat and eyeing us up carefully. "You too, eh?" He asked, nodding to Debra, who seemed to be trying to hide behind me. "I knew there was something naughty about you, love." He chuckled deviously and slapped his hands together.

"I don't want it." Deb said, peering around my shoulder. "I just-"

"You just want to watch." Amy said, taking two slow, sauntering steps toward her and grinning. "Figure it might get your nethers to twitch a little, eh?" He laughed again and grabbed his own crotch for effect. "Always does for me."

I stifled a groan. That was terrible. "I'll pay extra, if we need to." I offered.

Amy looked from me to Deb and back again. "Tell you what, kids. One time and one time only, I'll give you a discount and charge you just my usual rate. The same classic price, except your cute little friend here gets to watch."

"Good." I said, smirking as I took a duffel bag off my shoulder. "Because I didn't bring any extra."

Amy gave another low chuckle, eyeing the bag up and putting his hands together expectantly. "Ah, excellent." He said, gesturing rapidly. "Right, hand it over. But I warn you, Tommy boy, the line is drawn here. After you pay me, you're going to be outfitted with weapons and equipment, dropped into a hostile environment, and not brought out again until you bring down your target. You got that, mate?"

I looked down at his hands and then at the bag in my own. I swallowed a dry lump in my throat, and then shook off my nerves. No. I wasn't going to half-ass this.

"All right." I said, handing over the bag. "One hundred and twenty large, right?"

"That's right." Amy said, grabbing the bag greedily and unzipping it. "Ah, American money, too." He said, taking out a few bundles and flipping through them with a thumb. "My favorite. That's it, my friend. The deal is sealed." He held out his free hand to me, and I took it, shaking heartily.

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