Chapter 2

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*I am Bord so, NEW CHAPTER*

After having Mew use Teleport Ash pulled out a Poke-nav and checked where he was "Alright says I'm right out of Pewter City and near Mt. Moon" he said. Ash looked up and when he did he saw a massive tree; it was so beautiful looking. "So Mew I wonder what we can catch here" he mused out loud as Mew settled herself on his shoulder.

Ash walked towards the massive tree at a leisurely pace and soon he got to a small entrance in the tree. Ash was about to head towards the opening when the ground below him began to shake making Ash stumble "W-What's going on" he gasped.

Suddenly the ground in front of him exploded and a giant object came flying out. It spun in midair before coming to a stop revealing it to be a giant bird-like Pokemon with flaming wings and tail "Moltres" the large Pokemon.

"A Moltres" Ash gasped before hastily pulling his pokedex out.

"Moltres, the Legendary Flame Pokemon; Moltres is a legendary bird Pokémon that has the ability to control fire. If this Pokémon is injured, it is said to dip its body in the molten magma of a volcano to burn and heal itself." his pokedex said.

The Moltres then launched a Flame Thrower at Ash. Ash jumped to the side as Mew flew into the air to avoid the Flamethrower. She could understand Moltres's aggression seeing as most legendaries HATED humans, but attacking Ash, while she was on his shoulder no less, was kind of going overboard.

Mew flew back to Ash and squeaked something at him. Ash looked at her "You want to battle" he asked. Mew nodded in confirmation and Ash stood back up "Alright Mew, let's do it" he said. Mew faced Moltes bravely while Ash pulled out his pokedex and scanned all the moves that Mew knew.

'Alright this is a good arsenal; hopefully I can weaken Moltres enough' Ash thought. "Alright Mew, let's start this off with a flamethrower attack of your own" he called. Mew took a deep breath and launched a flamethrower; Moltres merely crossed its wings and blocked the attack "No affect; alright try a focus punch." Mew charged forward her tiny fist glowing brightly before flying at Moltres.

Unsurprisingly Moltres's fist also glowed and just as they were about to meet in contact "Teleport" Ash shouted and Mew vanished. Ash couldn't tell if Moltres was surprised or not, but the hit to the very top of the head from Mew must have surprised the Legendary Flame Pokemon as it was punched hard and now looking quite dazed. "Good job Mew, Iron tail let's go."

Mew's tail glowed brightly before she slammed it directly into Moltres.

Moltres flew back from the hit where it impacted with the side of the cliff, but was otherwise all right. Then the Moltres Pokemon put its wings together and its jet black eyes eyes glowed red. Then a circular beam shot from its hands and hit Mew. "That's Lock On" Ash gasped.

Moltres then fired another flamethrower; Mew flew up dodging it, but the Flamethrower came back to hit her. "Mew fly" he ordered. Mew flew around as fast as she could, but the Flamethrower kept following her. To make it worse Moltres had fired two more Flamethrowers.

"Mew charge a solar beam" Ash shouted. Mew let the sunlight absorb into her body as she continued to outfly the Flamethrower; the solar beam was charging "Alright now fly for Moltres."

Mew did and flew directly for Moltres who was charging another Flame thrower. "And... teleport." Mew did leaving Moltres, with a half charged flame thrower, to face three full powered Flame thrower. The attacks hit and Moltres flew back from the massive explosion.

Mew reappeared above Moltres with the solar beam fully charged "Alright Mew fire the solar beam" Ash shouted. Mew fired, but Moltres also fired its now fully powered Flame thrower attack. The attacks hit in midair with both legendary Pokemon trying to defeat the other.

Then both attacks ruptured and exploded in a massive sea of fire and smoke "Mew" Ash shouted running forward; he caught his exhausted Pokemon as she fell from the smoke. "Mew are you okay" he asked concerned. Mew panted, but nodded; she was just exhausted and a little scuffed up. When the smoke cleared it showed Moltres slumped against the ground; Ash hastily searched through his bag with one hand and pulled out a pokeball "Pokeball go" he tossed the Pokeball and it impacted with Moltres.

Moltres was sucked inside the Pokeball and the pokeball landed on the ground shaking and blinking. Ash held his breath as he watched and watched; ten tense seconds later and the Pokeball stopped shaking showing it was a successful capture.

Ash breathed a quick sigh of relief at the capture. He walked up and picked up Moltres's pokeball "You did it Mew... I'm so proud of you" he said with a smile his eyes shining. Mew gave a smile of her own and nuzzled Ash gently.

However the tender moment was ruined when suddenly Ash and Mew were blown away by an ice beam and a thunderbolt and impacted hard with a rock. Groaning in pain from the hit Ash widened his eyes when he saw two more Pokemon. They had similar bird like structures like Moltres, but one of them looked elegant in a creamy blue and the other dark yellow and jet black.

It was Articuno and Zapdos "Not good" Ash said before an Ice Beam and Thunderbolt engulfed his vision.

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