Chapter 11

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Almost a single month had passed since Serena had become a Pokemon trainer and declared her intentions to Ash. Ash was shocked at her bold declaration and at first he didn't know what to do with it nor did he know if she had the potential to be one, but nevertheless he decided to see how good she was. He informed her that first she needed to decide what she'd specialize in and capture a full team. Since Fennekin's final form, Delphox, was a Fire and Psychic type then Ash told her that she could decide to specialize in fire or psychic type.

It took Serena a few hours to decide, but in the end she had decided to specialize in fire type as they gave her a 'warm' feeling. And so, for about a week she trained Fennekin to not only learn to battle, but to also get used to it. Apparently her Fennekin, being a female, didn't like having her fur ruffled since when a wild Fletchling cast a whirlwind attack on them for getting too close to its territory and it ruffled her fur so badly it made her look like a puffball. Fennekin was so furious that she launched a massive ember attack and it took the Fletchling out right away. They took it to the Pokemon center for it to be healed.

Fennekin was slowly adjusting to battle and it finally showed when Serena caught her first Pokemon after a week of training. It was a very aggressive Fletchinder that attacked them before they could leave Kalos. Fennekin could barely land a scratch on it the whole match and got thrown around but when Fletchinder sliced at her with its claws is when Fennekin lost it. Losing part of her precious fur was too much for her and in her anger she had unleashed her Blaze ability.

With a massive flamethrower attack Fennekin gave Fletchinder some bad damage before relentlessly attacking with slash attack over and over again until finally finishing it with a body slam attack. While shocked, and slightly scared, of Fennekin's attitude Serena managed to catch Fletchinder. Once Serena promised to give Fennekin a good brushing she calmed down and went back to her sweet, calm self.

Even Ash was a little nervous when he saw Fennekin that mad.

Anyway after catching Fletchinder is when Serena then caught a wild Litleo, it was a cute and playful little pup that loved to cuddle with Serena and Ash. What Ash also found amusing was that it seemed to also have a crush on Ash's Arcanine. Her fourth Pokemon was the exact opposite as it was a Houndour and it had a rivalry with Ash's Arcanine and was very competitive and protective of Serena. Her final two Pokemon were a cute Litwick and an Eevee that she planned to evolve into a Flareon when she got a Fire Stone.

All in all it took her a little over two weeks to capture a full team and in Ash's opinion her team was pretty good. Her Fennekin was a cute one until it angered and that could be its greatest advantage, her Fletchinder would eventually evolve into a Talonflame and with it aggressiveness it would make a good battler or a problem, but which would yet to be seen. Her Litleo would eventually evolve into a powerful Pyroar and since it had a crush on Ash's Arcanine, which was a male, it was obvious that her Litleo was a female. Her Houndour would eventually evolve into a Houndoom and since it was so territorial and protective of Serena than it would do anything to protect her. Her Litwick would eventually reach the form of a Chandelure and with its unique typing it would be a great mix of attacking, defending and supporting. Her Flareon would be the same as a great support type as well.

The next two weeks Ash spent helping Serena train her Pokemon. Once the two weeks were up is when they would meet up with Ritchie and continue with their journey. They met up with him in Hau'oli City. "Ritchie" Ash greeted him.

"Ash" Ritchie greeted in return as the two friends clapped hands and shared a brief one armed hug. "It's good to see you again Ash."

"You too" Ash said in return.

Ritchie then noticed Serena with Ash "Oh, I didn't see you there, hi, I'm Ritchie Hiroshi, from Frodomar City."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Serena Yvonne, from Vaniville Town" Serena introduced. "It's nice to meet the friend Ash talks so much about."

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