Chapter 9

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The next day the battles of the Top Eight Trainers began; Ash was in the fourth match and was facing a trainer named Assunta. She was good, but Ash was proving he was better.

The crowd cheered at the spectacular battle that had been going on thus far. "This battle is really heating up, but even though it's almost done the fire of the trainers is far from extinguished" the MC roared loudly over the cheering crowd. "Assunta has two Pokémon left while Ash has four Pokémon left; his Dragonair and Metang have been defeated and now we'll see what other Pokémon he had under his command."

Assunta released her next Pokémon "Assunta has chosen Spearow as her next Pokémon. What will Ketchum send out in response?"

Ash had been waiting for this moment for a long time; he had chosen which Pokémon he would reveal for his first tournament. Since he was in Kanto he would use his only Kanto Legendary. Ash pulled the Pokéballs off of his neck and enlarged it. Tossing it into the field there was a bright flash of light and the crowd was shell shocked. For like a few seconds before they began screaming and cheering so loud Ash couldn't hear anything else.

Mew happily floated in the middle of the field giggling at all the attention she was receiving. Ash's opponent was also gaping at this new development. Finally, the MC recovered "In all my years as a Pokémon Battle Announcer I never thought I would live to see a day where a trainer reveals a Mew. Folks this is Pokémon history right here."

"You ready Mew" Ash called to her. "This is your big debut." Mew looked more excited than ever a she flew in circles before facing her opponent. The match had begun, but it looked like Assunta was still trying to get over her shock at seeing a Mew. "Well if you won't attack then I will" he called to her. That seemed to snap her from her shock "Mew attack with stone edge."

Mew formed stones around her body before launching them at Spearow. "Spearow dodge" Assunta shouted quickly. Spearow quickly flew and avoided the attacks only to notice Mew appear right in front of it "What" Assunta gasped, shocked at the speed.

"Ice beam" Ash said simply. Mew launched an ice beam point blank range sending Spearow flying back where it impacted with the wall. Spearow fell to the ground with a tiny groan and didn't move.

"Spearow is unable to battle; Mew is the winner" the ref announced raising the green flag. Assunta's fifth icon went dark leaving her with only one left.

"A devastating ice beam leaves Assunta with only one Pokémon left; what will she choose to combat against Ash's Mew" the MC called out.

Assunta grabbed her last Pokéballs; she knew that odds are she was going to lose. Even if by some miracle she managed to defeat Ash's Mew that meant she would still have to defeat three more Pokémon that were all fresh. 'I may lose, but I'm taking that Mew down' she thought before throwing her final Pokémon out to the field.

"Assunta has chosen Ivysaur for her final Pokémon" the MC announced. Immediately Ivysaur launched its vine whips at Mew. Mew swerved from side to side avoiding the vine whips like it was a game of tag. Ivysaur growled before launching a leech seed.

Ash was kind of amazed by this; Assunta had trained her Ivysaur well if she didn't even need to give it a command to attack so Ash decided to stay quiet as well and let Mew do her own thing. If she needed help, then Ash knew she could always read his mind.

After avoiding the vine whip for a bit Mew flew up into the air before launching a flamethrower. Ivysaur dodged the blast and jumped into the air vanishing in the light of the sun before launching a powerful beam. "And here comes Ivysaur's Solar Beam" the MC called.

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