Chapter 1: A New Threat

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(Drew's POV):

I sighed as the wind blew my green hair. I stared at the horizon, watching as the drifted by. That girl. . . I can't stop thinking about her. She was an Eastern, I'm forbidden to meet someone like her, but I want to meet her again. I still can't remove her out of my head. Her silky brown hair, her beautiful sapphire eyes that sparkle with glee, those soft delicate lips and her beautiful and innocent smile. I yearned to see it again. I must see her again, even if it means going back to the forest and face the men in there.

"Don't even think about it. You know she's an Eastern." Sora snapped me out of my thoughts. Seriously, this girl is damn psychic! It was as if she's always reading my mind.

"Shut up." I answered coldly, not wanting her to get wrong ideas. Sometimes, this girl is very weird, well, can't blame her, she's been through a lot. Her family died in a carriage accident when she was nine and she isolated herself from everyone for two months because of her grief and traumatic experience, but was able to move on after we gave her an Eevee on her birthday and made more friends. She was doing well after that, but her happiness didn't last because she forced herself to stay away from everyone and started acting like a villain, we all hated her and called her a traitor, little did we know that she was actually doing it to save the kingdom, to save all of us, then was killed by the ones who was behind it all. It was such an idiotic thing to do, she could have just told us so we could help, but Sora, being the stubborn idiot she was, just carried the burden all by herself. The enemies were strong, but we know we could take it. She was revived by the help of some Legendaries, and she's doing fine now. She's now called the Young Dragoness of the West, was one of the strongest warriors and trainers in the kingdom and was now my bodyguard.

"Hmmm." Sora smirked at me. "So, love at first sight, huh? For someone like you, you actually - "

"I told you, shut up!" I shouted at her, my face turning red. This caused her smirk to grow wider, annoying me. Why in the world did I even taught her how to smirk?

Her smirk disappeared quickly and she stared into nothingness, muttering under her breath. I frowned.

"What?" I asked her, causing her to jump. She snapped out of her thoughts and gave me a fake smile.

"Oh. Uh, nothing!" She answered,grinning at me. I just shrugged this off, she's a weirdo.

:Sora! ~ Don't lie. . . : Her Latias exclaimed playfully through telepathy. Sora ignored the red eon, and turned toward me with a serious expression.

"Do you think we should tell your dad?" She questioned, her sapphire eyes staring at my emerald eyes underneath her brown bangs. I shook my head and answered in a firm tone.

"No. Another war might start." I answered. It's true, if I tell my father, he'll go berserk and charge toward the kingdom. My father hated the Eastern kingdom for some reason, but I don't want him to make the people of our kingdom involved with his problems.

"No. Not about May, about those men. We should warn everyone else to be careful in the forest." Sora told me. She's right, we can't just allow our people to go wander around the forest, but who will believe us? We can't just say we got attacked by a group of men who could turn into dark Pokémon. They'll think we're insane. Well, they'll think Sora's insanity got to me.

"Who would believe us?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at her. She answered with a smile.

"Me and the eons will take care of it." Sora replied as we landed in front of the castle. It was a beautiful castle, but I could care less about the castle. Heck, I don't honestly care about almost anything. Don't ask.

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