Chapter 26:Two Brunettes,Two Cocky Bastards

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May was silent as they all returned to their camp.Sora had an arm around her,trying her best to comfort her.Sora gritted her teeth when she saw Drew.

She gasped when Drew grabbed her with a smirk."So,you like the kiss?"He asked and grabbed her chin,then tilted it up to meet her eyes.May stared in horror when Drew leaned in to kiss her again,only to get a strong kick,in Sora's opinion,in his green nuts.

Sora scowled at Drew."Seriously,Sir Drew.What the hell happened to you?!It's been a long time since I hit your head with a hammer!"She shouted at the writhing Drew.Her eyes suddenly widened when Rafe put an arm around May's shoulders.She felt as if she's stabbed.She quickly reacted and punched Rafe in the face before he kisses her."And you!What the hell?!"

Takeo and the others ran toward them to see what the commotion is about.May felt like collapsing to the ground and cry,but she didn't.

Sora glared at Rafe and Drew."You two bastards.H-how...."Sora couldn't take it anymore.She felt as if she's losing her sanity.She wanted to break into tears,but she doesn't know why.She just saw Rafe almost kiss May....

'Don't tell me....'She thought in her head.'No!I'm not in love with Rafe!'She thought to herself and mentally slapped herself.But she already fell in love a few times to know she really is in love.But....She just promised herself to never fall in love with another man.Her heart is playing with her.

Rafe smirked."Jealous?"He asked,causing Sora to snap.She have had enough.She pulled back her fist,then punched Rafe on the face so hard,he was sent flying and hit a tree.Rafe groaned out as he collapsed to the ground.Sora turned her back on him and ran as fast as her legs could carry her.

May gasped and turned toward Drew and Rafe."You guys...."She whimpered when Takeo ran off to chase after Sora."W-why?"She asked,tears streaming down her face as Rafe stood up,then the two of them along with Max and the twins surrounded her.She then noticed:one,Kohaku is not with them,two,Drew,Rafe,the twins and her brother are grinning evilly at her and three,Drew's arm seems to be....

'Melting....'She thought and backed away.She tried to scream,but Max grabbed her.Then his arms stretched and wrapped around her.May suddenly came to a realization:the voice who told her to not trust anyone....Isn't lying.

May tried to kick and scream,but they laughed at her feeble attempts.

"Got almost all of them."Rafe smirked as more men emerged out of hiding,carrying unconscious bodies with them.They threw the bodies before May.Her eyes widened when she saw Drew,Rafe and Kohaku,all knocked out cold.So Drew wasn't a jerk after all....This was all a trick!

"All we need,"Max grinned,a glint dancing in his eyes."Is the Lunar Warrior and the Young Dragoness."He stated.May screamed at the top of her lungs,but was soon knocked out by Kathryn.

* * *

Sora found a river,then she almost threw herself into the water.She gazed at her reflection,and saw a girl crying instead of the Young Dragoness with her eyes burning bright with determination staring at her.

"W-why?"She asked herself and sobbed."Why is fate playing with me?What have I ever done to turn me into...."She whispered the last part that was barely audible.

She can't be in love.Not again.After all the pain because of love,she fell into another death trap.She felt like an idiot for letting this happen to her!She just promised herself,and she broke it.If Rafe finds out about this....He'll make fun of her.Their friendship will be broken,and Sora doesn't want that.

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