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Evie stepped out of the bathroom freshly showered, fully dressed, and still exhausted. But she looked at the man lying in her bed, still fast asleep, and had to smile as she stepped closer to him.

He shouldn't have stayed the night. She'd broken yet another promise to herself in letting him. But it was innocent enough. He'd just... fallen asleep. They hadn't even had sex. They were both that tired.

With only a week and a half left on the tour, it made sense. But Evie shook her head. She didn't like thinking about the fact that the tour would be ending so soon. She didn't like thinking about what would happen next.

"Hey," she whispered, crawling onto the bed and leaning over the man she loved. "Time to get up."

He didn't move.

She kissed his forehead, right over his pierced brow, and brushed his brown curls back. "Hey," she said again. "Wake up."

Luke didn't budge.

She took the opportunity to kiss him some more—his forehead, his nose, his cheeks, his jaw, until she made it to his lips. And by that point, he was kissing her back.

Evie laughed against his mouth when his hands came around her, locking her in place. "Oh, no you don't." She pulled herself away, enjoying the way his sleepy eyes opened, and his lips spread into a slow, groggy smile. "We've got to be downstairs in half an hour."

Luke groaned a little as he stretched, as he blinked repeatedly, and didn't stop smiling. "That's plenty of time."

She giggled, and pulled herself fully away before he could grab at her any more. "Not when I have to start working on Greg and Jamie." She grabbed her key card from the nightstand and winked at him where he still lay, his eyes following her every move. "Maybe you shouldn't have fallen asleep last night."

Luke's eyes closed as he rolled onto his back, and he brought his hands up to cover them. "Don't make me hate myself any more than I already do."

Evie shook her head, still smiling as she headed for the door, and called over her shoulder. "Get ready. If you're not up by the time I get back, you're in big trouble."

Before the door clicked closed, she heard Luke call, "Is that a threat or a promise?"

Evie rolled her eyes, but giggled, too, wondering how he could always do that. How he could always make her smile. Even when it was six in the morning and she felt like she hadn't slept in weeks.

She knocked on Greg's door, just across the hall from hers.

Then, knocked again.

Pete walked out of his room then, wheeling his suitcase out behind him.

"Mornin'," he mumbled, his eyes at half-mast.

Evie rounded her smile on him. "Good morning."

Pete's eyes flicked toward Greg's door. "You might need a megaphone."

She knocked again, a little louder, and this time, she heard movement. "Not today," she called after Pete as he headed down the hall towards the elevator.

The door opened to reveal Greg, shirtless, blonde hair a tangled mess on his head, and his eyes still closed. Evie suppressed her laughter.

"You've got," she glanced down at her watch, "about twenty-five minutes to get ready and get downstairs."

Greg wiped a hand down his face, and his eyes opened to slits. He blinked several times as he stared, but they didn't widen. "Okay."

"Okay," she said warily, studying him as he turned to head back into his room. "Don't go back to sleep, alright?"

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