Third - Determination

48 4 0

16th October [2 years, 9 months and 21 days after he disappeared]

Topic: Suicide meet up, anyone??
User: xXMinakoXx

I carefully scrolled down the blog and read it slowly with a hint of an ache in my chest.

"So I know a lot of people have already been doing this. And as it seems I am just one of them.

I live around the area of Ikebukuro, so I thought we might meet at Karaoke Bar XXX."

The same karaoke bar that was in the blog entry on the professor's phone...

"We can talk about all kinds of things and maybe enjoy a last drink together... All I want is some company before... I end everything."

"What are you reading, senpai?" I shrugged and quickly closed my laptop. I turned around to my colleague Ishino, a young man just a few months younger than me. His sandy colored hair was a mess and his red glasses were almost too strong for the faint color of his skin. He was a very clingy colleague. The clingiest, to be exact. Yet, behind his childish smile and actions he hid a huge amount of knowledge and an immense sense of justice which was probably the reason behind him being one of the most talented investigators despite his age.

"The Dollars? You're on that site again? I knew it was popular around the young folks but that you were also part of them..."

I sighed. "Please, investigator Ishino. How often did I tell you not to look onto other people's phones or laptops?" He laughed a bit as I looked him into his dark brown eyes. "It's not like you have anything to hide, right?" I was quiet for a while.

"Senpai?" This guy... "It's rude." I paused as I averted my gaze. "Also I already told you not to call me senpai..." He raised an eyebrow. "You really do want me to call you doctor Kurogami?"

I put my laptop back on my desk. "Since that's what everyone in this office calls me like that, yeah. Please do." He scoffed a bit. "Well then 'doctor' Kurogami." He paused after that and glanced at me in a manner which seemed a bit sarcastic. "The boss is calling you to his office."

I let out a faint sigh of relief and stood up. As I did, I felt a rush of pain in my back and shrugged. "Ugh... My back hurts..." Ishino laughed. "Life's hard for a police psychologist, ain't it, doc?" As I headed towards the boss' office I turned my head one last time toy colleague. "Yeah you're right. I can't wait for my transfer to happen." Ishino shrugged. "Transfer?! Senpai what are you--" I closed the door of the office behind me and turned towards my boss who was sitting at his wooden desk, still signing some paperwork.

"Sir." For a second he glanced at me. But he soon returned his eyes to his paperwork. "Kurogami. Please take a seat, will you." He gestured towards the seats infront of his desk. I walked towards them and sat down onto one. The boss still was signing some paperwork.

He has been head of the departmend for quite some time. Despite having a wife and two young children he spent most of his time in his office. But I was able to tell by the amount of photos of his family, placed into his desk that he was a very caring father.
If it wasn't for that and for the fact that I was a psychologist in this police department, I probably would have been intimidated by his looks.
The boss' slicked back hair was as white as snow. But he had very dark and defined eyebrows. On his left ear he had two piercings and there was a tattoo showing from underneath his collar and sleeves. But that wasn't the scariest part. His eyes which seemed so empty and intimidating were by far the scariest pair or eyes I've ever seen. There have been rumors that he was a former Yakuza. Yet overall, he was a pretty good boss who was loyal to his job at the police department.

He finally stopped writing. He leaned back in his chair, opened drawer from his desk and pulled out a brown paper folder which had my name printed onto it. He layed it in front of me.

"Kurogami Shigure. One out of three police psychologists in our department. We were able to arrest a big number of suspects and identify them as actual culprits with your help. Honestly, I had high expectations from you at the beginning. But it seemed you soon met all of them."


His lips formed into a faint smile. "I am sad for our department to lose you, but happy to tell you that you will be transformed to the department in Ikebukuro, as you wished."

Finally I would be able to find him.

[2nd September, 2 years, 8 months and 8 days after he disappeared]

"What was the name, of the person you were looking for?" The dead eyes of our department's bookholder stared into mine. She was an old, grumpy lady. And in my opinion a bit rude. Yet, she probably had her reasons behind that."

"Satogari. Satogari Tooru." The lady went back to the huge shelves, holding piles of brown folders filled with information of every missing case, crime reports, and so on. It took her about ten minutes before she came back with a brown folder in her hand.

"Thank yo--" As I wanted to take it, she didn't let go of it just yet. She looked me deep into the eyes and for the first time in a while I actually got the shivers which was probably just caused by her bad breath.
"I still do wonder why our little miss psychologist would be interested in an almost 3 years old case." After saying that she let go without any other words.

I stood there for a while, eyeing her before she turned around and disappeared back behind the bookshelves. As soon as I didn't see her anymore I walked towards my desk, sat down and opened the file.

"Satogari Tooru, professor at a university, has been reported missing on the 29th of January," read one of the reports. I bit my lip. The last text I received from the professor was on the 25th of December. Yet it took so long until someone actually reported him missing.

The case of his file was not closed yet. Which meant that he was still missing. And reading everything from the brown folder I received, I learned nothing except that the professor was suspected to be dead, which was why they gave up this case.

I remembered some of the words, the professor said in one of our last meetings.

"I... Would want to die in a cool way."

There was no way the professor could be actually dead. And no way that he actually decided to meet up on that suicide meeting I read about on his phone... Or was there?

In fact the probability of him killing himself was very high. And yet I kept on denying it... I didn't want to believe that he was dead. He would never do something like that... Right?

It was probably because of that, that I had no other choice left. No other choice than to find out myself. To investigate further. I had to go to the place where all of this might have happened. Where everything started... Or rsther where everything ended. To the place where he might have gone to kill himself with other people. To the place I read about on his phone...

I had to go to Ikebukuro.

Just being misunderstood (Izaya x OC)}DuRaRaRa!! fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now