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"To out first meeting... And our enternal farewell to this world." He held up his glass. So did the other two girls. I did not. I just sat there and observed them. "Cheers!" They softly hit their glasses against the other ones.

"So... Are you sure you want to do this with me? There isn't there anyone you'd rather commit suicide with?"

The brown haired girl shook her head firmly. "No. That's why we want to die." The male softly laughed at her statement. "Good point. After all, that is why we used that message board and arranged this meeting." He put his glass back on the table even though he didn't even drink a gulp.

"So? Care to tell each other what the reason is behind the longing of killing yourselves?" His smile almost made me feel ill. Was it even normal for someone who wants to kill himself to smile like that?

The brown haired girl clenched the glass which was in both of her palms. She smiled a bit sadly. "I know there is something wrong with me. It has been three months since my boyfriend and I broke up. And all I can think about is him together with that woman... At least if I am dead, I can get over it."

After the blond woman drank some of her juice, she put it on the table. She sat back and started to play with her hair. She didn't even look at us. It was as if she wasn't taking the whole thing serious. Yet, she started to talk. "I don't have a thing to my name. What's the use in having an art degree if there is no place you want to work at? Every time I have a job interview, I feel like being told my existence has no value..."

For a while it was silent.

The brown haired slowly opened her mouth. "So... About the method... Carbon monoxide with charcoal was popular for a while." The blond stared at her. "I was thinking we'd just jump off a roof."

The male cut them off. "And... What are you planning to do, after you die?" His question surprised me. What we were going to do after death? I don't get him at all.

The blond also looked confused. "Huh? You mean like, heaven and stuff? Do you believe in afterlife?"

The male placed the tip of his finger on his glass, swirling around it's edge, creating a quiet sound. Or maybe it was just the sound of despair I was hearing...
"What about you? Do you?", he asked, not wiping off that smirk on his lips.

"I... I believe! Well, I believe in ghosts that wander between our worlds, I guess", the brown haired girl answered. The blond girl just sighed. "There is nothing after you die. But it's better than this twisted world."

Silence. Once again.

The male's eyes met mine. "What about you? You haven't said anything up until now. Do you believe?"

Believe in what? Are you stupid?

I averted my gaze. "Why should I care about what after life happens, if I am going to kill myself?"

The room was filled with silence. It was almost driving me crazy.

As I looked back up into his eyes, it hit me. He wasn't looking surpised or shocked. No. Not at all. The corners of his mouth were moving upwards. His smile widened and became far more mischievous-looking than before. Now he managed it. He managed to make me want to vomit, seeing that disgusting smile of his.

The smile of a devil.

Just being misunderstood (Izaya x OC)}DuRaRaRa!! fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now