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"Sherlock?" John asked quietly to the detective who had fallen asleep. No reply, he shook his shoulder gently in an attempt to rouse the detective and received a small groan.

"Five more minutes" Sherlock mumbled, turning his head away and burying deeper into his arms. John chuckled and tugged Sherlocks hair slightly and eventually the detective lifted his head and looked blearily up at John, his round owlish eyes blinking into focus.

"Sherlock I'm discharged today" John told him, it had been five weeks in total and eventually all the dust had settled, the grass had grown over the upturned earth.

"Wait, does that mean you'll be going home?" Sherlock asked.

"To Baker Street if you'll take me back" John said with a smile.

Sherlock sprang up from his chair. "Of course I want you back, I'm lost without my blogger!" Sherlock exclaimed as he went over to make a fuss of Rosie.

"Er'lock!" Rosie squealed teaching her hands up to her godfather.

"Hello dear bumble, do you want to see daddy?" Sherlock spoke fondly as he picked her up and adjusted the blanket around her and turning to John to wave at him with Rosie in his arms, "hey look, it's daddy!" He said in a high pitched soft voice.

He gently laid Rosie against John's chest and John held he'd carefully, placing a gentle kiss to her fluffy blonde hair. He then turned his smile from Rosie to Sherlock who smiled warmly back.

How can a man so cold, be so warm to those he truly cares about? How can a self proclaimed sociopath care? John thought to himself as Sherlock began collecting all of John's things including several bunches of flowers that had been placed during his coma, a small yellow rose from Sherlock standing alone next to a small note.

The note just read three simple words.

Wake up,

John was discharged later that evening and Sherlock carried Rosie as John carefully made his way up the stairs to Baker Street, Mrs Hudson soon in the room with them as Sherlock was settling Rosie carefully on his nightgown on the floor between their two chairs.

Mrs Hudson decided to begin fixing them a meal and setting tea out for John and Sherlock whilst she made a bottle of formula milk for Rosie. Whilst John was in safe hands and had help with Rosie Sherlock ran out of the house with little warning and left the flat with his wallet and phone in his pockets.

He returned just under an hour later with several large cardboard boxes that were clearly fairly heavy and a few other plastic carrier bags that he then dumped heavily at the doorway before dropping his coat and then dragging the largest box of all of them and pulling it the center of the room where he then broke open the tape with surprising ease and began pulling out large pieces of wood wrapped in plastic packaging.

"What's that?" John asked in amusement from his chair where he had been reading a book to Rosie.

"Surprise John!" Sherlock exclaimed as he began rifling through the box and pulled out an instruction manual. He scanned it and then threw it over his head with random muttering. John picked it up to see the whole thing was written in another language unknown to him.

Sherlock however seemed to know what he was doing and within the next hour, ignoring the plate of food Mrs Hudson set out and gulping at his tea there was a very posh looking expensive crib standing in the center of the room.

"Wow" John breathed as Sherlock stood up from his crouch on the floor and experimentally shook it to see if it was strong.

It stood firmly in place and Sherlock made a hum of appreciation before turning round with an expectant look on his face towards John.

"If we keep it in here then we can both get to her easily, unless you want her in your room, which is simple enough-"

"Sherlock it's fine, it's brilliant in fact, Thankyou" John assured resting a hand on his friends shoulder. "Honestly Thankyou"

Sherlock nodded and then went over to one of the bags pulling out some toys of varying degrees, there were your typical baby teddies and then there was stuff related to John such as a plastic stethoscope, and a pretend first aid kit there was also stuff related to science such as a periodic table blanket and a kaleidoscope microscope.

"Okay one more little thing from me" Sherlock said quietly as he went to his coat and took out a small crinkled pink wrapped gift with a large flower bow. He handed it to John who was yet again holding Rosie and John carefully opened it with her.

Inside was a slightly tattered plush bumble bee, and yet did once unlike most was indeed anatomically correct- typical Sherlock- there was a fraying tag sewn onto it with an embroidered name; William.

"Sherlock is this--" John began.

"Yes, it is mine from when I was younger, I always loved bees, they are truly fascinating" Sherlock said in a calm but dreamy voice.

"Sherlock you should keep it for you, it has sentimental value" John insisted as Rosie plucked the bee from his hands and held it tightly in her own.

"I want my goddaughter to have it" Sherlock insisted with a little smile before turning back to the other boxes and missing the look on John's face.

A look that would have confused Sherlock, one of affection, fondness and full of loving. But then perhaps the same feelings went through Sherlock as he began to put together the solar system mobile made of metal and tempered glass pieces.

John, wake up.                                           "Please"Where stories live. Discover now