My dear bumble and precious bee

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John woke in the morning to Sherlock shuffling about a bit, clearly just waking up himself but still partially asleep. John smiled when Sherlock lazily opened his eyes to blink at john and blink again trying to break the cloud of sleep.

He had slight pink lines on his cheek from the pillow when he removed his head from the pillow to look more certainly at John. Jon couldn't help it really. That he leaned over and ended up pressing Sherlock into the pillows and peppering his face with kisses a Sherlock woke up a giggling blushing mess.

"Morning beautiful" John whispered before pecking a chaste kiss to Sherlock's lips and sliding out of bed and lifting Sherlock up onto his feet.

"Shower?" John asked.

"Shower" Sherlock agreed brushing a hand through his hair.

John wrapped Sherlock on his spare nightgown before putting on the other. Sherlock's was short and just reached his knees with the sleeves only reaching halfway down his forearms.

They headed down to the shower and carefully washed each other before heading to get changed. It was full early morning so Sherlock went down to collect Rosie from Mrs Hudson and John made tea and breakfast whilst Rosie babbled happily.

"Dada! Papa!" She squealed excitedly clapping her hands and pulling happily at Sherlock's fringe before reaching for John.

"How's my little princess?" John asked softly pressing a kiss to her golden curls.

"No! Bumble dada!" Rosie exclaimed with a sherlockian expression of pride and glowing.

"Ah yes, I forgot my dear bumble" John chuckled and pulled an arm free to grab Sherlock who had been watching with a smile on his face "And my precious bee" he declared as he pulled Sherlock into the hug, his arm wrapped around the detectives waist.

Sherlock leaned into the hug and wrapped both arms around Rosie and John. "My dear Watson's" he sighed happily, pressing a silent kiss to Rosie's brow then Johns.

It was at that moment, as they hugged tightly in the middle of the kitchen in this scene of domestic bliss that Mrs Hudson had entered and caught the whole scene. She couldn't truly help herself when it came to reaching to the abandoned phone on the table near the kitchen doorway and managing to get to the camera took several pictures before she was spotted by John who looked at her expectantly but didn't let go.

"Morning mrs Hudson!" John cheerily said as she remembered what she had actually come up for and placed the freshly washed clothes on the table.

"Not you're housekeeper mind" she chuckled as she left the room. The photos taken remained unknown of their existence on Sherlock's phone on the side table.

"Thankyou!" John and Sherlock called in unison.

"No problem dearies" she tutted fondly as she trotted down the stairs.

It wasn't until hours later did Sherlock require his phone for a cold case that he noticed it was still on the camera setting that he went into the photo library and what he saw made his breath catch.

John. Rosie. And himself. Hugging in the kitchen. Johns face showing the most affection he'd ever seen on a persons features and Rosie looking at them both in awe, a wide smile on her face, her crystalline eyes bright and happy as Sherlock hugged them both like he could never let go. Uncaring of his newly ironed suit as he held them tight against him. Love and trust written across his features. His--family.

No. They're family. The Watson Holmes family. Dada John and papa lock. He didn't notice the tears slipping down his cheeks until he felt a thumb brush them away.

"Why are you crying love?" John asked gently, pulling him close. "Is it the case?" John asked carefully.

Sherlock couldn't answer and so in explanations handed his phone over to John who took it gently.

"Oh Sherlock" John said in a voice so soft Sherlock felt himself fall even more in love. "You beautiful creature" he said as he wrapped Sherlock into his arms for a second time that day and pressed a kiss to the taller mans curls.

And it wasn't until hours after that did said picture find itself enlarged on Johns computer and then with some very slow one finger tapping and clicking did the printer in the desk groan and crack and swallowed the paper and ejected it again with new colours did that picture show up again.

Another hour later and the same picture was in a intricately designed silver frame that had been a gift from a very grateful client and taking its place on the mantel below the mirror.

Sherlock had seen it again and couldn't help but smile widely at the print. The delivers silver frame but in the centre of their kitchen. One of the best days of his life. Captured by his landlady. His second mother. Rosie's surrogate grandmother.

The Watson Holmes family.

John, wake up.                                           "Please"Where stories live. Discover now