Parks and recreational behaviour

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Sherlock came out a few minutes later in a pair of blue skinny jeans and a white tshirt, and he was wearing a pair of red converse.

John couldn't help but smile softly at his slightly self conscious appearance so he handed Rosie to him before leaning up and pressing a kiss to sherlocks nose.

"Come on then, love" John said softly leading them to the pram at the bottom of the stairs and securing Rosie carefully before pushing the prank out the door, Sherlock carrying the front so it didn't bump on the steps.

"I think we go to the park, get ice cream if your good" John said thoughtfully sending a knowing glance at Sherlock who looked mock affronted before smiling.

"Hey, I don't follow trouble, trouble always finds me" Sherlock defended.

"I know love, I know" John said softly, silently delighted at the blush that crept across the detectives pale cheeks.

They continued their walk, Sherlock occasionally walking ahead, turning around and in a crouch as he walked so he could have a deep in depth conversation with Rosie, John wasn't entirely sure if Rosie understood but her excited babbling was almost equivalent to sherlocks wolf hand gestures.

It was only when Sherlock nearly knocked an old last over with his backwards walking that John made him turn back around and walk alongside him.

They eventually got to the park, there were a few lone swings in the corner with a slide and climbing frame at the corner near the marigolds and pretty hedges, naturally Sherlock was more interested than Rosie and began slithering up the climbing frame with the agility of one of the big cats.

Sherlock was inspecting the sand scratched against the paintwork when he misplaced his footing slightly and fell on his backside with a mumbled curse and followed by a chuckling John and a giggling Rosie.

John lifted Rosie carefully out of the pram and walked her over to the swings, her legs kicking wildly as he tried to sit her into the baby swing and then successfully buckling her in.

He gently pushed Rosie on the swing and listened to her cries of glee. Sherlock soon approached, subtly rubbing at the top of the back of his thigh before he then sat on the swing next to Rosie's, wincing slightly as he did so.

"Want me to check that when we get home?" John sniggered as Sherlock turned a deep crimson.

"N-no I'm f-fine" Sherlock stuttered as he somehow became an even darker shade of red.

"I'm only joking sweetheart" John replied with a laugh as he ruffled sherlocks hair from behind and gave him a gentle push on the swing.

Sherlock giggled quietly and nodded as John pushed Rosie's swing once and then his own just a little bit higher, being careful not to kick his heels on the floor.

"You act like you've never been to a park before" John chuckled as Sherlock swung his torso back and forth in time with the swing, leaning his head back and pulling faces at Rosie from his upside down view.

Rosie laughed and pointed with chubby fingers as Sherlock rolled his eyes back and stuck his tongue out, all while leaning even further back on the swing.

"Sherlock careful, your going to--" the word 'fall' was left unsaid as a yelp came from Sherlock's direction and then fell and rolled backwards onto the soft cushioned grass, John rushed forward and lifted him to his feet before giving him a once over for any injuries. "You donut" John murmured affectionately as he turned back to Rosie still giggling merrily in her swing.

"I'm fine John" Sherlock said in mock exasperation as he walked up to Rosie and lifted her out of the swing and spun her around.

"Course you are" John said softly, wrapping his arm around sherlocks waist and guiding him back over to the pram so they could continue walking. "Ice cream then?"

Sherlock nodded and smiled down at John who smiled back up, squeezing lightly at the more fleshy part of sherlocks waist which revived a small giggle in return.

They walked the pram down to the ice cream stall, Sherlock continuing to carry Rosie. They bought some ice cream and sat down at a bench, Sherlock carefully probing at Rosie's closed lips with a spoon full of vanilla and chocolate whilst he ate his own mint cone and in the process of Rosie's bashing arms managed to get it all over sherlocks nose but with no hands to wipe it off with.

John leaned across and pecked him on the nose, effectively removing the ice cream and leaving him with a rosy tinge to his cheekbones.

"Had a nice day then?" John asked him, raising his hand to stroke the hair back on Rosie's forehead.

"Delightful John" Sherlock replied in a brilliant impersonation of his elder sibling with a mock sarcastic lilt.

"Yeah alright Spock, I know you liked it really" John pointed out as he leaned and kissed Rosie on one of her chubby cheeks.

"I did" Sherlock agreed.

They eventually began to head back to the flat, Rosie tucked back into her pram looking up at them in silent awe as Sherlock named all the varying breeds of pigeon and then as they passed some bumblebees began to do a full monologue on all things to do with apiculture.

They were soon outside the flat and Sherlock helped carry the pram up into the hallway before John took Rosie up the stairs, already beginning to doze and took her to her cot. She was asleep as soon as John had laid her down, her hand curling into the fabric of the wool comforter.

"Go sleep love" John whispered as he stroked his knuckle over her wind-reddened cheek. He carefully backed out the room then, knocking into a lanky detective with a gasp who had clearly been watching the scene from the doorway.

"Sorry, sorry,so-nghh" Sherlock's apologies were cut off by John pressing his lips to his own and closing the door silently behind them as they passed through, lips still attached.

"Shh" John whispered against the detectives slightly parted lips, "don't wake Rosie" he breathed, nipping at sherlocks plump lower lip to prove his point and making Sherlock whimper against the wall he was now plastered against.

"John" Sherlock whimpered again as John sucked at his bottom lip leaving him breathless.

"Shh" John told him, lifting his hand to Sherlock's cheek and brushing his thumb across the curve of his ear and back again in a soothing motion.

John pulled away and pressed his hand to the small of the taller mans back, guiding him to the living room. John sat down in his chair before encouraging Sherlock to come over and Sherlock shyly stepped forward before John grabbed his wrist and pulled him forwards making him stumble into John with a muffled "oof".

Sherlock sighed and fell asleep shortly after, his face pressed to the exposed skin of Johns neck and breathing him in. John had his arms around him, one stroking over each vertebrae of his spine and the other carding through the soft chocolate brown curls of the 35 year old in his arms.

John, wake up.                                           "Please"Where stories live. Discover now