What is it with you and tall buildings?

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A/N: something I include is something I know because of too many fanfictions and late night television adds, just to let you know. Apparently you can't avoid unwanted knowledge as Sherlock finds out.

Sherlock took her off to Johns room and then dressed Rosie in dungarees and a flowery t-shirt after changing her nappie, a smell so strong he was glad he spent enough time inspecting dead bodies to not be put off by it. 

Sherlock lifted her into the air with a pirouette as he then went back down the stairs and into the kitchen to meet John who was busy warming up that mush they feed to babies that they call food.

Sherlock couldn't complain too much though, Rosie seemed to like it.

It was at that moment Sherlock's phone pinged and then Johns shortly after.

"Lestrade" they chimed together with a nod as John slipped out his phone and read the text.

Two men dead, no weapon, no injuries as of yet, note left but typed and no fingerprints found.
182 Gower street.

Sherlock made a gentle hum of interest and handed Rosie over to john before slipping his own phone out.

We'll be there shortly, just taking care of Rosamund first, 30 minutes? -SH

John eventually managed to feed the whole meal to Rosie and she was being patted to get any air out of her before they grabbed the changing bag and headed down the stairs, locking the door in the process.

Sherlock knocked raptly onto mrs Hudsons door before she opened it, her apron on over her dress.

"Ah Hudders" Sherlock began with a warm smile, "is it possible you could take care of little Rosamund here, we've got a new case"

"Yes, off out" John said happily as mrs Hudson carefully took Rosie and the bag.

"What, both of you?" She smiled, remembering the early days.

"Yes, think we'll skip the tea" John chuckled as he wrapped his arm fondly around Sherlock's mid section. Mrs Hudson caught the action, her eyes lighting up and practically glowing with happiness as her mouth made an 'o' of realisation.

"Oh boys, in so happy!" She squealed,  going up to them both and pulling them tightly into a hug, Rosie included who grumbled unhappily.

"Yeah, it took long enough" John agreed, pulling Sherlock closer against him who stumbled slightly as the sudden action. A slight pink tinge to his pale cheeks.

"Anywho, you two better get off, London needs you, but you best come over for tea later and tell me all about it" she decided as she turned them both around with a pat to Johns shoulder and a ruffle to Sherlock's hair and an invisible speck picked off his shoulder blade. "You take care of him John, don't let him go getting himself hurt"

"Of course mrs Hudson" John called back with a fond smile as they got out into the front street and Sherlock -yet again- hailed a cab with surprising ease.

John ushered Sherlock to climb in first, pinching him subtly through his coat, earning a yelp and watching the detective stumble into the cab in his seat before John climbed in behind, sitting in his usual seat.

"John, quit it, I'm working!" Sherlock pleaded, he couldn't afford to be blushing and squeaking in front of the yarders.

"Right yeah I know" John chuckled, stroking an errant curl from Sherlock's forehead so the man just melted more into the chair but somehow still buzzing with energy.

They got to Gower street which was only a few miles from Baker Street, hours very similar and Victorian.

It was identical to Baker Street.

182 Gower street was inaccessible because of the long rolls of police tape and police cars blocking the entrance as a policeman stood on guard outside. Blue lights flashing Sherlock stepped slightly ahead and lifted the tape for John as they went under together and then met Greg halfway towards the door.

"Sherlock! John! Yeah it's a but if a mess but we've kept it untouched, besides the medics checking the bodies but besides that it's as we found it" the detective inspector explained.

"Good" Sherlock decided before racing ahead to the door in long strides and stepping inside and up the steps to 182.

There inside on the floor between two chairs, lay the bodies of two men, dead.

The note between read:
Here lie the bodies of Ian McGregor, the lying scum of the earth, and the red head that took him from me.

Clearly Ian was the man on the left, shorter of the two and more broadly built, laying next to the unnamed body with the red hair, a few inches taller than Ian.

"Find Mrs McGregor, we need her alibi of where she was when Ian and-" Sherlock cut off temporarily to pat down the red head, finding a screwed up receipt, eaten up by a washing machine and forgotten. "Card details" in blurred print "after purchasing--" Sherlock paused again in confusion.
"What the hell?" Sherlock muttered, before moving on and reading the card details to Lestrade so he could trace a name to the card.

Sherlock handed the receipt over to John to keep hold of whilst he began deducing what he could. John unfurled the corners and attempted to read what had stumped Sherlock so much and there it was. Chocolate flavoured lubricant. Yeah right mr sex-design-alarm-me. John chuckled.

"What?" Sherlock questioned John.

"Nothing" John said with a smile as he turned to hand the receipt to someone waiting with a evidence bag. He crouched back down next to Sherlock and began investigating the dead men.

Poisoned seemed to be the only possibility, something apparently untraceable.

As it turned out Mrs.McGregor worked as a plastic surgery nurse and had managed to get hold of Botox, also known as bacillium bochilinum that she had injected into the blood stream in a form of revenge for her husband cheating on her with who was now confirmed to be Logan Castle.

She was taken by the police, kicking and screaming after a chase that had ended with Sherlock being shoved backwards out of a two story building having been lucky enough to land on a skip with a mattress in it.

John would naturally deny afterwards that he had most certainly not pushed her down straight after, once he had seen Sherlock stumble out of the skip. Her cry of fear had been worth it.

John had run down straight after and rushed to Sherlock and grabbed him harshly by the lapels of his coat before kissing him senseless. He felt Sherlock collapse against him as his knees buckled and John wrapped a hand around his waist to hold him up as he continued to kiss him and suck on his bottom lip, a hand scrunching in his hair as the other held him upright.

Finally John pulled away, Sherlock heaving against him.

"What have you got with tall buildings, never again" John whispered unknowing of Sally Donovan and inspector Lestrade who watched the whole scene in shock. "I love you" John whispered against his lovers forehead.

"I love you too John"

John, wake up.                                           "Please"Where stories live. Discover now