They said there was nothing new under the sun
Until grace stepped in.
And said, 'I'm new every morning.'Faith took place.
The evidence of things not seen
Yet hoped for.The resurrection power that tore the veil.
Spoke the words that said,
'Behold the old man hath passed and a new man has come.'That's when the blood began to speak.
For new life has taken place.
For judgment had me down
But mercy said no.Now the spirit has revealed.
That which no mere eye can see.
Living he loved me
And dying he saved me.They saw him dying
But God saw me living.
They saw condemnation
But I saw redemption.So what is new under the sun?
And what is yet to be discovered?
The depth of his grace.
The love of a father, that he gave his only son.The price of redemption
Or the cost of a life.
That he made the sun refuse to shine
And the ground it could not stand.For something has become
Of what there had never been before.
That the word became flesh
And dwelleth in this presence.And again I say
That something new is found
Not under the sun
But in a son.