Chapter 14: Distance

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Beth's POV:

" Daryl!" I holler. I hear him running towards me then. When Daryl comes around the corner Dixie isn't too far behind. That's when she runs smack into Daryl who had come to a halt at the gate.

" We're here..." is all Dixie says as she stands up from falling down.

" Daryl, help me with this..." I state as I point to the wall\gate thing keeping us out of Terminus. He takes a step towards it and helps me push it out of the way. Once we enter we notice how much it looks like a ghost town. I glance to my left down a road to see a guy around my age and a younger girl jogging towards us.

" Look." I say, to make sure Maggie, Daryl, and Dixie see them too. When they get close Daryl raises his crossbow. I feel like I recognize them but can't figure out where from. When the man sees that Daryl has his crossbow up he stands in front of the girl as if to shield her.

" its okay we don't want any trouble..." The girl says from behind him. We all stare at each other for what feels like eternity when finally Daryl lowers his weapon and mumbles,

" Names, Daryl." he then does his signature spit on the ground and continues,

" This is Beth." he points to me and I wave slightly, then he points to Maggie,

" That's her older sister, Maggie."

finally he gestures at Dixie and says,

" And that's Dopey Dixie..."

I can't help but laugh at this, as Dixie glares at Daryl. That's when the girl behind the man steps forward and replies,

" I'm Alison, and this is my older brother Austin."

Alison?... Austin?...........OH MY GOD! The photo! I think to myself. they're from the photo. I drop to the ground and start digging through the back pack, all the while Daryl's saying,

" What is it, Beth?"

" I knew I recognized them, I know them. Well, not technically, but they were in that photo!" I ramble while still rummaging through the back pack.

" Wait, what is she talking about?" Austin asks Daryl while looking at me like I'm crazy. I find it.

" This." I say pulling it out of the back pack. Austin stares down at it a moment then slowly takes it from my hands. He then hands it to Alison to look at when he asks,

" Where did you get this?"

" I found it in a drawer of a camper we stayed in..." I pause,

" I had no idea I'd ever actually meet you."

Then the girl, Alison, runs up and hugs me,

" I don't know why you took it, but thank you.... I was scared that I would forget what my parents looked like but now I won't because of you." she murmurs into my shoulder. Austin just nods at me then says,

" Well you need to meet the rest of us. Follow me...."

We take off down the street where they had come from to begin with and then stop at a building on the very end. Daryl goes in first after Austin and Alison, followed by me, then Dixie, then Maggie. Austin then stands in the doorway that leads into another room and yells up the staircase,

" Hey guys, come meet the newcomers!"

That's when we hear about five pairs of footsteps come down the stairs. Turns out, we the so-called newcomers, weren't so new to the rest of Austin and Alison's group, because into the room walked, Rick, Carl, Michone, Carol, and Glen. Everyone's expressions are happy but full of shock. That's when Maggie runs into Glen's arms, yelling out,

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