Chapter 9: " Stay away from her"

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Beth's POV:

" I like you too, Beth."

Daryl says back to me. I couldn't believe it. Was I dreaming? I look at him and grin, about to ask what that made us, when he adds,

" You make a great girl to group up with. You've saved me a couple dozen times."

He laughs then continues,

" I'm sure you had lots of friends before and I'm glad to be named among them."

I felt suddenly very embarrassed. Thank God he didn't realize that i was pretty much professing my love to him! I look back up at him and force a thank you smile.

Early the next morning Still Beth's POV:

I needed advice on what to do about Daryl. So I went with Maggie to the creek for water.

" Hey Maggie?"

" Yeah?"

" I need advice..."

" What kind? Family, Boys, girl problems? Other?"

I answer, " Boys"

She raises her eyebrows and says,

" Go on,"

I start rambling,

" Well, let's say, theoretically, that you like someone maybe even love them, and everyone says their bad but you know they're not and you tell that person along with the fact that you like them and they take it as just saying you're friends, but you mean as in you like, like like them. And did I mention, theoretically, that he's twice you're age....."

Maggie somehow understood all that I said and answers with,

" Bad idea. Stay away from him whoever he is."

She pauses because she sees a look of surprise on my face,

" Seriously Beth, its not okay for you to be dating someone twice your age."

She looks down then back up.

" I won't let you....." She finished off.

I wanted to scream at Maggie that she was wrong and that age didn't matter anymore seeing as the world is all screwed up. but I just whisper,

" Okay...."

Because I know deep down that even if age didn't really matter, that Daryl already has a girl, Carol.

Daryl's POV:

Maggie comes back pissed and walks right up to me,

" We need to talk." She snaps at me.

I follow her quite a ways from camp when she starts talking,

" I have reason to believe that Beth, my nineteen year old sister has it in her pretty little head that she loves you. And I'm her to inform you that if I find out that you lay even a finger on her, that I will personally cut that finger off."

She whips around and shouts as she walks away,

" Stay away from her, Daryl!"

I'm in shock at what she's just said. Beth, beautiful, blonde, young happy, Beth, might love me? Is that what she was trying to tell me last night? God! I'm such an idiot! And because of how stupid I am, I probably sounded like an ass, the way I answered her back. To be honest, I do care about Beth in that way but I never would have told her because that would've made me seem like a sick pervert, which I am NOT! A nineteen year old, with a thirty eight year old? It just sounds wrong......

" Daryl? are you okay?" I hear Beth's sweet voice say behind me. I turn and stare at her innocent, angel like face and tell her,

" I will be...."

Beth shrugs at that and then says,

" Sasha and Bob found a girl in the woods wandering around, you should come check it out."

At that I follow a limping Beth back to camp to meet this so-called " no name" new girl.

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