My eyes fluttered open slowly from where my head rested on Oliver's chest. A soft hand was gently brushing through my hair as another, rested on my bare back. I turned my head to look at his face. Fuck it was magnificent. A small smile formed on my lips as memories from last night came into mind. I never sleep over. Never after a hookup. Which made me remember, we were still at Mike Sanders' house.
Not my problem.
"You're staring." Oliver's deep, sleepy voice said as a lazy smirk formed on his face. I smiled back at him, "So I'm not allowed to look at your stupid face?"
He chuckled.
"What?" I asked him.
"You're so fucking weird, Oreo." I raised my eyebrow up at him as he stretched and rolled to face me. "-but you're so fucking good in bed." He said more aggressively and grabbed my waist to pull me closer.
"You taste like Oreos." He answered.
"Ohh, I FLUDGING LOVE OREOS!" I squealed. He poked my nose and mouthed "me too". "Did you just?" I frowned.
He nodded his head and leaned in to kiss my nose. I giggled.
Did i just?
Suddenly there was a knock on the door and you could hear Mike's loud voice yell for me to open up.
"Relax Michael!" I yelled through the door. I ot up and grabbed my clothes as Oliver stared on at me. "You're such a perv." I teased. "Get dressed."
He rolled his eyes and started putting his pants on. I threw my dress on and tried to fix my tangled hair.
The next thing i know, I'm being pinned against the wall by a shirtless Oliver.
"Call me?"
"No thank you." I replied, squeezing my way out of his grip. "I don't chase after boys."
He smiled, "I beg to differ."
"I didn't chase you."
"Yeah yeah." He slid his arm over my shoulder and subtly slipped my phone into my cleavage. "I would've pegged you as a password girl, i was wrong."
I rolled my eyes and pulled my phone out of where he had put it and walked out the room, leaving him alone.
I looked around at how messy the house was, there were only a few people around. As i walked down the staircase i was stopped by a person with a hot, but douchey face.
Ugh Mike. My best guy friend.
" Mila, heard you fucked around last night. I just hope there are no bloodstains on my sheets, they're silk you know." He said, followed by a wink.
I scoffed, "You know there are only bloodstains when you're a virgin, you idiot. And I'm not. That's something you clearly know all too well."
He smiled and leaned forward, "I just hope for your sake, he was hotter than me."
"Oh but Mike, everyone's hotter than you." I replied and continued walking down the stairs. He followed behind. "Where's Taya? I thought you guys had to deal with her brother being drunk again."
"She left late last night. I told her you slept over with some dude so she didn't worry." Mike answered.
"Good, now if you don't mind I'm gonna go home." I walked out his front door, not bothering to close it.
As i walked down the path in his front yard i heard voices from the side of the house and almost immediately my head snapped to that direction. The shadows were way too foggy for me to identify who it was, so i slowly snuck closer, making sure i wouldn't be seen.
Around the side of the house stood Ivy whispering to what i thought was Scott Mikaelson. They were leaning against a wall and it had looked like they had either just woken up or were still seriously drunk.
Ivy leaned in to kiss Scott and after an awfully long 2 minute makeout session, it was cut off. i couldn't hear a thing they were saying and i couldn't get closer or else they'd see me.
I saw Scott grab a small plastic bag out of his jacket pocket and watched as he handed it over to Ivy. She then took out a cigarette and lit it before walking away toward the backyard.
What the fuck was that?
Idk i almost discontinued the book but I'm baaaacckkkk. Get this book to...
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and this chapter like 10 comments idk?
for the next updatee😊

How To Save Ivy Morgan (ON HOLD)
Historia Cortadarling, you'll be okay. copyright © 2017 ⚠contains mature themes and language⚠