My birthday, yeah.

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It was my birthday this coming Saturday, sixeen I was gonna be, which kinda felt, you know, cool. I mean, ye, 15 is OK, but sixteen, its like, I don't know, a real teenager.

I couldn't wait, my day it was gonna be, MY DAY. 14th march 2012. I so could not bloody wait, I mean, at least no one could tell me that I wasn't aloud to watch last action hero.

I wasn't expecting much, partys, I mean, ye, every girl, they would totally love a birthday party, but, I knew what we could have, and I knew what we couldn't. Mam, she always made it special thought, she would go up in to the loft for me, and dig out all of the old videos, if there was going to be any thing other then last action hero actually on that day, but you know, the thought was there. And Ash, he'd do his best to scrape a party together, it was all good.

I loved my mam, I mean, my sisters were cool, but it was like, they just, I don't know, they didn't get on with it, like I did.

Dasiy, she's still hoping that dad will come back, I mean, he left 7 days after she was born, and now she's 23, what the hell did she expect. She would say that it was mam's fault why he left, then again, she blamed her self, me, Jess, and dolly. She'd say that he left because we were all accidents, what kinda man wants to be tied down young, ye well, what kinda man don't use jonnys if he don't want sprogs, thats what id like to know.

And then there was Jess, she would moan that we never had food in, she would moan if mam went to cheep shops, of poor shops as Jess called them, then she would moan because she was fat, and moan that mam got chocolat in the house, it was like, make up your mellons.

And dolly, she'd just stick to her self, she was cool, and all that, but you never knew what the hell she was thinking, it was like, she was made to be some where else, and where else but here. Complicated, ever so bloody complicated.

I wasn't a whale, but I wasn't thin, and I could cope with that, what ever, I weren't tall, and I weren't short, I didn't know big words, just knew of them. It was all good thought, I mean, you don't need big words to be what I want to be when I grow up, 'on the dole' of course, what else would I want to be, a worker or some thing, how the hell could I work when I would some day have four kids of my own to feed, and provied a roof over there heads, you don't get housing benafits if you work.

I loved my birthday, mam, she would let Ash sleep over, but that kinda pissed off Dasiy, 'her friend aint sleeping if mine cant' ha, friend, ye, we know what type of friends she had, one's that wanted to get straight in to her pants, Ash did want to get in to mine, but only because he liked the cut of my jeans. He was gay, mam didn't have to worry about a thing.

He was the coolest Ash was.

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