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A little boy was staring up at me. "Skye! Skye!" He yelled, giggling. "Hello, Marcus" I said to the little boy. I picked him up and span him around. I carried him over to my mom and father. The butler was with them.

I glared at the butler who my little brother brought home many years ago. I smiled at my mom and set Marcus down. "So little bro what do you want to do first!" I yelled happily. "Speak properly!" My father snapped.

I rolled my eyes and pinched my dads cheek. "Don't be so tense this is meant to be fun!" He tried to be serious but I always made fun of my dad any way. My father smiled, his stern look disappearing. "Fine, fine go have fun." I giggled and looked at Marcus. "Lets play tag~" Marcus said happily. "Alright..." I began.

I quickly tagged Marcus and ran. "Your it!!" I yelled as he started to chase me. I saw a rock and ran right for it, dramatically falling. "Oh no!! Someone help!! I've fallen!!" I cried out. Marcus ran over and pretend flew around me. "I'll save you!!"

He pulled me up with all his strength. "My hero!" I yelled as loud as I could and hugged him. He giggled and I picked him up. I ran around with the little boy in my arms. "Time to go!!" Mom said heading toward the car. "Do we have to go??" I yelled.

She nodded. "I don't want to go back to Russia yet!!" We lived in Russia and that was where I was born. I hated it there. We vacationed to England but now had to go home. We spent a day in a field we saw heading back home.

My mom giggled and got into the car. "Ready?" I asked Marcus as he got on my back. He nodded. I ran straight for the car. The butler opened the door just as I jumped and I slid onto the seats. My mom smiled and my dad took Marcus from me. I sat down normally and played with Marcus all the way home.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was sleeping when I heard screams. I woke up quickly and ran downstairs. What I saw I could never unsee. The butler was holding my brother souless body in his hands. My parents were dead on the floor. The floor was a deep red from there blood. I didn't cry when I first saw the dead bodies.

Instead I ran up to the butler and tried to hit him but he grabbed my hand. I then began to sob. "Why?? Why??!!" I shrieked. The butler looked at me blankly. "Your brother wanted me to kill all of you but then he told me to spare you. He wanted to wait before I killed them though."

The butler said all this as if it was normal. Logical. To be expected. "Then why did you kill him?!" I yelled. "I ate his soul. It was all part of the deal." The demon disappeared. I cried. I hugged my brothers body. Just then I saw a man dressed in red appear.

He looked annoyed. "William yelled at me and sent me on this stupid job." I looked up at him. "Who are you?" I asked him. "Grell" He said looking at his nails. "Better get started" I then saw film appear around me. I saw my mom and dads life.

How happy they where. I began to sob again. The man hit me in the head. "Be quiet, brat!" He yelled. I stood up and kicked his shin. "Have some sympathy!" I cried. He glared at me and took me by the hair. He shook me.

"I should kill you little brat!!" He said. Just then another man appeared. He was dressed in a black suit. He looked at Grell. "Stop fooling around." Grell dropped me and left me on the floor sobbing. He hugged the man in the suit tightly. "Will, why do you wave to be so cold to me! Though you do know I love it."

Some other things went on but I blacked out. When I awoke the bodies were still there. I stood up and left the house, covered in blood. I walked the streets of Russia, covered in blood. I wandered. And wandered. And wandered.

I found myself on a boat. I asked someone where it was going. They didn't reply. After asking a few other people I finally got an answer. "England" I nodded and left the person who had told me. Once off the boat I was still wandering.

I ran into a cart. A bunch of apples spilled and a man was yelling at me. I snapped awake from what felt like was a dream. I kicked the guy in the nuts and ran away. A few people chased me but I was able to get away.

I knew I would have to wake up and survive. I began to steal. Nothing big just what I needed from here and there. I learned English. I wasn't great since I had to teach myself but I was understandable.

When I was 19, ten years later I decided to do something bigger. I snuck into the Phantomhive manor. He wouldn't notice if some of his thousands of valuable items were stolen. Just when I thought I would escape I blacked out. The last thing I remember was a voice saying "What do we have here?"

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