Headache, Heartache (12)

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Haha! Joking!! I know that was evil. I'm sorry 😂

Friday - 2 hours earlier

Sam went up to his room as everyone began to filter out the house as they had all fully woken up now and apparently, the Novaks were very loud when in a rush. So he escaped to his room in a hope to ease his quickly occurring migraine.

But no, the pains came quicker, sharper, harsher.

He closed his eyes as images flashed across his vision and smells filled his nose and smoke filled his lungs.

And by smells, I mean just one smell in particular.


He gasped as he felt his body fall to the floor as he saw yellow eyes, a candy shop and flames.

And Gabriel. But not the Gabriel that was downstairs harassing his siblings. This Gabriel was motionless and covered in burns.

This Gabriel was dead.

But before the dream could get any worse, Sam fell into blackness.


Sam lay on his bed, book in hand, eyes on text, but mind elsewhere.

He couldn't read. Well, he knew how to read but he couldn't concentrate. I mean...how could he?

This had never happened before, at least not whilst he was awake.

He'd had these...premonitions....in dreams.

Most of the time it was random people, random accidents. He thought nothing of it at first.

Not until the time he saw the paper. He must have only been five at the time when he saw it. Front cover, man walks into gun shop and shoots the guy who works there before leaving and walking into on coming traffic and bam. Dead.

He had stared at it in horror. Not because it was a horrible incident, which it was, but because he had dreamt about it days before.

He began to search them for stories whenever he had a new dream (for some reason his Dad always had one lying around).

Then there was Jess.

When he first met her, he immediately recognised her, the girl from his dreams.

And not the romantic kind.


He decided to shut it out but then it happened.

Jess was dead and he didn't stop it. Couldn't stop it. After all, there's not much a six year old can do.

He dreamt Bobby's death too but was too scared to tell his brother's. They weren't gonna believe him.

But now it was Gabriel and for some reason he felt different. He felt different towards Gabriel.

He was disrupted from his thoughts as Gabriel spoke to him.

He wasn't really listening to Gabriel though as he answered, casually. He was thinking, how could he save him?

After a while he wondered where Gabriel had gotten too. He tried to remember where he had said he was going. Shop?

Tiredly, he stood up to go and get food when he noticed the empty sweet packet on Gabriel's bag.

Panic rose inside him.

He opened the draws but only found wrappers.

Gabriel was out of candy which only meant one thing.

Sweet Until It Gets Salty (Michifer/Sabriel/Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now