Best friends? - Ivan - part one

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Why did you agree to watch a scary movie? You hated them with a passion, why anyone would spend time watching a movie that's its whole purpose it to scare you senseless to the point where you couldn't even fall asleep at night was beyond you. But you remembered why you agreed to this. Ivan and the rest of the guys.

They always liked having movie nights anytime they got the chance, and Ivan would always make you show up, after all you and him were like a package deal, there really wasn't anything you two wouldn't do together. You met through Jake, and instantly became the best of friends. And here you were in Jake's house watching a scary movie with the rest of team ten, since this time it was Emilio's turn to decide and today he decided to choose this.

 What was wrong with him? You really thought he was going to choose something nice like a comedy, or action, but no he had to pick this.

And now here you were wrapped around a blanket hoping that it would protect you from whatever was on the screen. You thought that if you kept your eyes covered, you wouldn't be scared, but hearing the movie made it worse. You knew that you had to bare it through it would only be at most two hours long, you could do that right?

"Hey (Y/N) are you alright?" Ivan asked as he was sitting right next to you like he always does.

"Yea, I'm fine Iv", you said not wanting to worry anyone, since you knew that the rest of the guys were actually enjoying the movie.
"No you're not (Y/N), I know when you are lying to me", he said with a smile.
You were about to tell him, when all of a sudden a loud crash came from the movie, making you scream and bury your head against Ivan's chest, hoping he would protect you.
"You're scared?" he asked with amusement. You nodded, burying your face further into his body. But then you felt his arms wrap around you, bringing you closer him as he placed his head on to of yours. "Don't worry I'll keep you safe" he whispered into your ear, and slowly you felt your fear melt away.

The film was finally over and it wasn't that bad as you thought, but it could have been since Ivan's arms around you distracted you from it. It was finally time for you all to sleep, since all of you were sleepy. "Hey (Y/N), how about you go to sleep and we'll all take care of the mess ok", he said as he got up and stretched.
"Hey how come she doesn't have to clean?" Chance asked.

"because she wasn't the one that was throwing popcorn", he answered, "(Y/N) I have some of your clothes in the bottom drawer if want" he told you remembering that you had clothes here from spending so much time and sleep overs at his house.
You nodded and made your way to his room to change into your pyjamas, andante a savage hoodie. As you finished you decided that you should help out the guys a bit, since it really was unfair for them to clean and you do nothing, since you sort of made a mess too. As you were nearing the guys you heard them talking.
"So Ivan when are you going to tell her?" Anthony asked.
"I don't know, I really want to tell her, but every time I true to tell her I just can't", Ivan admitted.

"It's not that hard Ivan, just go up to (Y/N) and tell her that you like her", Jake added.

"Shut up Jake, what if she heard you", Ivan said with a worried tone.
"You really should tell her though, I mean who knows maybe she will like you too, but you have to try", Chance said casually.
Your eyes widened. Ivan likes you. Your best friend, harbored feelings for you, and they all knew it. You felt your heart racing, why were suddenly so nervous about being here, you weren't like this a few minutes ago. Were you slowly realizing that maybe you were smitten with Ivan without even knowing it?
"I get it, I should tell (Y/N) that I really like her, but she's also my best friend, and as much as I would love for her to be mine, I can't risk losing her if she doesn't feel the same for me. I don't mind that she doesn't like me, because just being there for her is enough for me. But who knows maybe one day I'll tell her", he said with a confident voice.
He really did love you and maybe you were starting to feel the same way too.

part two?


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