Carnival - Emilio

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Roller coasters weren't really your thing.

They went up and down, some upside down and you didn't really get any enjoyment out of it.

You liked the Ferris wheel; slower moves that you could eat before and not display your lunch again.

But alas, your friend had forced you to get into the line as she went to the bathroom. And you knew it would take a while. But you didn't expect the line to move that fast.

It was too late to back out as you were buckled into the seat next to a blonde stranger.

You could see your friend looking for you in line, and when she realized you were actually on the ride she grinned.

Ever since you were 6 she would try and convince you to go on the little roller coasters that were offered to kids but you'd always say no.

Well today was the day.

The carts started lurching forward, and a clerk came by to check if we're all buckled in; going down cart by cart.

"Have you been on a roller coaster before?" The stranger asked.

His eyes were very blue.

You shook your head, "No..I don't really like roller coasters. I was holding my friends spot in line."

The stranger nodded.

"I Really didn't want to go on this roller coaster but you're kinda super cute and I think I'll be okay now." He blurted out, before coving his mouth, quickly putting his hands on the sides of the cart to steady himself.

Going against all thoughts of strangers you put a empty hand out.

"Let's do it together then"

Every jolt and jump was a nightmare, but it was nice to hold someone's hand.

You had learned his name was Emilio and that he was originally from Spain. After you had passed one of the upside down parts where it looked like four boys were cheering for him, which gained them a weak thumbs up.

At the end, you both were happy to be back on solid ground, and as soon as you exited the gate your friend came running over and gave you a hug.

"I knew you could do it! I knew it! Let's go again, you looked like you were having so much fun." She was very ecstatic.


Someone tapped on your shoulder behind you. You spines around to see the same tall blond that had held your hand earlier.

"Sorry for interrupting, he looked at your friend who was wiggling her eyebrows at you. "I just though maybe we could hang out together sometime?" He handed you a piece of paper, "I just thought if we can survive an upside down roller coasters maybe we could go on a date?"

You unfolded the note and saw his semi-neat hand writing, that scrawled out his phone number with a little message that said it was his.

You nodded.

"I'd love to"

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