Best Friends? - Ivan - part 2

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Ivan was nervous, he knew that something was wrong, specifically, something was wrong with you. You were avoiding him ever since the sleepover with the rest of the guys. He didn't know what was wrong but you were avoiding him. The next day after the sleep over you immediately left after everyone woke up, saying that there was something that you needed to do, which he knew was a lie, because he knew you that well.

He thought of the many things that could have caused you to avoid him. but he couldn't think of nothing, not a single thing at all, the only thing that he thought that could upset you was maybe the fact that you really didn't want to watch a scary movie, and that could have made you upset. But you weren't someone to hold a grudge over something like that, but what else could have made you that upset?

Then he realized what could have happened.
You heard them mention his feelings for you. They were talking about it while you were upstairs, but that doesn't mean that you couldn't have heard them talking about it, since they usually were loud. You heard Ivan admit his feelings for you, and that's why you were avoiding him, and when he let that idea sink in... he was heartbroken.
Was it really such a bad thing that he liked you? Was him liking you that bad that you no longer wanted to speak to him? but how was he going to fix this, how was he going to convince you that despite his feelings for you that things could still be normal. But he didn't want things to be normal; he wanted to be yours and you his. But being your friend was close enough.
But either way, the first thing that he needed to do was get you back. He quickly went for his phone and Jake to drive him over to your house.

You heard a frantic knocking on your door and went to go answer it. And there at your doorstep was none other than Ivan Martinez.
"Hey Ivan", you said nervously.
"I know you know, you don't need to pretend" he said wanting to get straight to the point.
"What do you mean?" wanting to play it off, since you were still confused of your feelings for Ivan.
"you know exactly what I mean (Y/N), you've been avoiding me and it's because you know that I like you, but is it so bad that I love my best friend that you have to avoid me?" he said as his blue eyes showed you how hurt he was.

"I haven't been avoiding you Ivan", you defended.
"Yes you have (Y/N), but you still haven't answered me, is it that bad?" he said his eyes still boring into yours.
"No, it isn't Ivan", you said softly.
"then why have you been avoiding me?" he said leaning close to you, wanting to pull you close to make up for the lack of contact these last few days.
"Because I needed to figure some things up first", you admitted.
"What did you need to figure out?" he asked closing the space between the two of you even more, to the point where he was only inches away from you. He lifted his hands up and rested them on the curve of your waist, and was glad that you didn't push him away. He was holding you a lot closer than he usually does, but this didn't feel wrong, it felt normal, almost as if this was where you were always meant to be. But you knew that you had to answer his question, you couldn't put it off any longer.

"About this" you whispered, "about us Ivan", you said looking up into his eyes his breath softly caressing your face.
"What do you mean?" he said feeling his hold on your waist tighten a bit out of nervousness.
"I needed to see if what I am starting to feel for you isn't because I know that you like me", you answered.
"And how are you going to figure that out?" he asked.
"I don't know", you said.
"Kiss me" he said.

Your eyes widened at his offer, did he really just say what you thought he said. You knew that you wanted to figure out your feelings for Ivan, but that seemed a bit extreme in your opinion. But would it help sort out your feelings for your best friend? And at this point what did you have to lose?
"I know it sounds weird... but it should help. If you feel anything in that kiss than you have your answer, so can I kiss you?" he said leaning in a bit more to the point where you could feel his lips slowly brush against yours with each word that he said.
You bet your lip lightly, trying to think if there really wasn't anything bad with you kissing him. You really couldn't find anything and nodded.

 Slowly Ivan closed the space between your lips, pulling you closer to him to better kiss you. This kiss was the answer that you needed, this one kiss ignited the love that you secretly had for Ivan, and a fire that you didn't even know was there. You eagerly responded, pulling on his shirt to pull him closer to you to deepen the kiss. You wondered why you didn't do this before, especially if it felt this amazing. He pulled you closer, his grip on you tightening as he kissed you, before he let your lips go to catch his breath.

"So, did you get your answer?" he said, nervousness filling his body as he hoped that you would say that you liked him too.
You nodded, and brought him in for another kiss. You could feel Ivan smile into the kiss, because after a long time, he could finally say that he was yours. Jake honked the horn, signalling for him to hurry up. "I gotta go..." He smiled, "Jake wants to plan a prank today..So maybe we could have another movie night tonight",You smiled, "I'd love that Iv". He was the guy that finally escaped the friend zone.


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