Tres - Jake Paul, Emilio, and Ivan Martinez

6.5K 105 60

Requested by bunnylover2030

Can you do one we're Martinez twins Jake Paul both like y/n

(Y/C/N)= The country you're from.

Word Count: 1024


                  When you had first moved into the team ten house, many people were ecstatic. Not just your fans, who had been waiting for you to move to LA to follow your dreams, but also the people you were going to live with for probably a couple years. They were mainly excited because you came from another country, (Y/C/N). You knew they already had some other 'internationals', such as Nick from England and the Twins from Spain.

                When your flight had touched down, Jake, Tessa, Erika, and Nick had come to get you from LAX. Jake had his vlog camera in one hand, which wasn't a surprise. "Y/N!"  Jake shouted happily, and to your embarrassment kept the camera on you. "Jake come on I just got off a six hour flight" You laughed, but kept the sleeves of your sweater covering your face. "Aw come on say hi to the camera, your so preeeetttyyy" Jake teased. "Jake stop" You pulled your sunglasses over your eyes, "The camera can see me later"


When you arrived to the Team ten house, Jake helped with your bags. You both strolled into the team ten house. Jake sets the bags down, and turned the camera back on. "Team ten assemble!"

You, Erika, Tessa and Nick had gotten to know each other on the way here, so they disappeared, probably to do some editing or film a video.

Five boys came bounding down the stairs.

"Eyyyy...Welcome the new team ten member!" Jake shouted, waving the camera around.

"Yes, the new team ten member that currently looks like a muppet" You joked.

First to be introduced was Tristan, who you learned wasn't apart of team ten, but hung out at the house fairly frequently.

Then there was Chance and Anthony, Jake's best friends from Ohio, both quite tall.

Lastly was the two twins from Spain. Ivan and Emilio, who when they introduced themselves both kissed your hand.

"Well.." Jake stepped between, much to your confusion.

"It's a Spain custom" Ivan looked at Emilio, looking for confirmation, "Sì, Sì, costumbre"

"Any-who Jake Paulers...Today we're going to..Fill the lagoon with marshmallows!"

You laughed, "that'll be a lot of 'mallows"

Jake grinned, "want to help?"


After almost 4 hours of setting up the lagoon, you had changed into a more appropriate outfit.

"So now...Jake Paulers, we are going to JUMP into the marshmallows.."

He had his vlog camera trained on his face and came up behind you, "Are you ready to get your first team ten experience?"

You laughed, "Of course"

Jake held his hand out for you to hold, and you both ran up to the lagoon before you leaped in, landing on the soft candy.

You popped up, while Jake had marshmallows in his hair. "You laughed, "Let me help you with that"

Little did you know while you were helping Jake, the twins were almost fuming on the inside.

You could see Emilio whisper to Ivan, before going back inside the house.

"Hey Ivan, Where's Emilio going?" You called.

Ivan shrugged.

Not soon after, Emilio showed up again, but only fifteen feet above, by the window of Jake's bathroom.

"Emilio what are you doing?"

You seriously questioned the rationality of these boys.

"I Jump"

You looked at Emilio, then Ivan, then Jake.

"You're going to allow that? Didn't he get hurt last time?"

"You saw that video?" Emilio had asked, but too quietly for you to hear.

"Sí, he did, but he is savage!" Ivan stated, cheering for his brother.

"Well...." You chuckled quietly,"If you're Jumping so am I"

Before Jake or Ivan, or even Kade could stop you, you followed up the stairs, into the window frame of Jake's bathroom.

Emilio felt shocked to be honest, but agreed to jump with you anyway. He didn't want to back out now.

"Three! Two! One!" You shouted, before you and Emilio, hand-in-hand jumped in at the same time.

The two of you fell into the lagoon, landing fairly close to the edge.

"Did you see that Jake Paulers?! Team ten is crazy!" You could hear Jake above you shouting with glee. That's when you decided to put your plan into action.

You popped your head above the surface, and put on your best worried face.

"I think I just broke my ankle"

Jake, Emilio and Ivan all looked at you, not really registering what you had just told them.

Then Ivan sprung into action.

"Kade, help me get her hands. We get her out of the pool"

Kade set the camera up by the pool to still get the footage, 'because views' as Jake would say.

Kade grabbed one hand, while Ivan grabbed the other.

Jake grabbed a pillow from one of the chairs by the pool and set it down.


They both lifted you up and you were able to scot back onto the chair.

"Which leg?" Ivan asked, "Emilio ir a obtener Erika"

"My Left leg, it hurts a lot" You tried to pull your best grimace face.

"Va a estar bien"

You looked at him confused.

"It'll be fine" He repeated .

Erika walked out looking at the scene in front of her.

"Okay. What happened?"

At this point Jake was getting very close to the scene that was unfolding with his camera.

You figured that if you had actually broken your ankle, you wouldn't be pleased with his action, so you hid you face behind Ivan.

Erika brought out a first aid kit.

"Where does it hurt?"

You pointed to a random part of the ankle.

"Okay..Kade, get some ice please"

Kade dashed in to get ice, while Jake, Emilio and Ivan were all watching each others movements.

Once you were all 'patched up', they helped you move into the living room.

Before Erika disappeared again to do editing, you grabbed her arm.

"Would you be able to get one of the boys alone......I need to talk to......"

TO BE CONTINUED (will post again when there's either 3k reads or 80 votes <3)


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