Fire - Ivan

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word count: 1.3k

Please, do not go rant in the comments. In this imagine Jake is quite rude. Im not saying this is how he is or isn't in real like, this is just an IMAGINE.. <3


The flames licked the side of your house. Here you where, jamming out to your favourite music in your pj shorts and tank top, sketching some of your friends. Well a specific friend more like it, your neighbour. But it didn't matter, because as soon as you had finished his hair, your carpet had set on fire. Alarmed, none of your other roommates were home, all you could see out the window was thick smoke, bright orange flames and a large hole.

That stupid neighbour. You grabbed your phone, calling the fire department, before storming out your house, up to the front door of your neighbour. Why the hell was Jake so ignorant. You knocked on the door loudly. You were fuming, you had tears bubbling at the sides of your eyes as you gripped onto the sleeves of your sweater.

After a good 20 seconds of waiting, you barged in. There you saw Jake, laughing at his stupid camera.

"What.The.Hell" You shouted.

Everyone looked at you, Jake pointing his camera at you. "Whoa. Hey neighbour, how's it going?"

"Y/n?" Ivan asked.

"Hows it going?! My house is on fire!"

Ivan looked confused, nudging closer to you.

"What do you mean?" Jake laughed, "It's only the lagoon"

"No" You fumed, "my fucking house is on fire"

Ivan eyebrows rose, you didn't normally swear.

Jake laughed again, before you charged at him pushing him in the chest. "My house is on fire asshole. Stop laughing"

Jake's eyes went dark, "What do you mean? So the outside of your house is charred, no big deal"

"It's not charged you idiot. It's burning down"

Jake laughed again. His camera was still on, and he was filming himself as if everything was going peachy.

"Well Jake Paulers the lagoon is lit! And so is our neighbour who's pretty upset for no reason"

Jake pushed his camera into your frustrated, tear stained face.

Thats it, you hit your breaking point.

It was almost in slow-motion, you backhanded Jakes face. He set the camera on the island, before staring at you, eyes narrowing.

He jumped forward, Chance and Anthony Grabbed his arms to hold him back, as Ivan stepped in-between you.

"Why the hell did you do that?" Jake yelled.

Tears streamed down your face, "What do you mean?" You spat, "My house is on fire and you're laughing at me, shoving your camera in my face"

"It's not on fire! The lagoon is!"

"Seriously?! Are you that ignorant?!"

Chance and Anthony had settled their grip, which was for the worse, as Jake swiped towards you,Ivan stepping in before it got more violent.

"Don't hurt her" He mumbled.

"You're taking her side? Really Ivan?" Jake looked at the Spanish boy.

"no.." He hesitated, "It would bad if it got out"

Jake nodded agreeing with what you know was definitely a lie.

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