One step from Insanity

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A few months passed as I had my shikai but as I trained on my own and with those who came by the fifth squad barracks like Byakuya or Kenpaichi, I noticed Aizen had been acting a bit distant than usual. I was concerned and worried about him. I know I'll see Aizen later today but there have been sightings of ryoka intruders in the soul society and last I heard they were trying to save Rukia. I felt bad for her, but I knew she did the right thing since whoever she gave her soul reaper powers to must be very close to her.

I let out a small sigh as I was on my back resting on the grass in the outside gardens of my barracks as I heard a loud scream come from the distance as I widened my eyes. I grabbed my zanpaktou and placed it on the usual spot on my back and ran to where the scream came from.

When I arrived I saw my friend Momo who looked shocked, sad and all sorts of depressing expressions on her face not to mention she had tears streaming down her face too, "Hey Momo! What's wrong?"

She looked over at me then a sign of relief was on her face as she ran and held on to me as she sobbed into my chest as I held her, "S-S-Shizuki! Its Captain Aizen!! He's..."

"Whoa hold on, compose yourself then talk to me." I said with a smile wiping her tears away.

She took a few minutes calming down as she stuttered a bit in her words, "Look behind you on the wall."

I blinked a few times in confusion as I looked over and saw Aizen stabbed against the wall with his zanpaktou as his blood was splattered on his body and the wall. I widened my eyes but closed them shaking my head back and forth, "he's too strong for someone to do that though!"

"What do you mean Shizuki?" Momo said with tear filled eyes.

"Something is obviously wrong here and I'm gonna find out what it is!" I said letting her go and running off as I could hear Momo yell out my name but it was useless.

I could feel the scars on my back burn even when I'm running but had to stop and fall to my knees clenching my shoulder and wincing, "that bastard dragon hollow knows what I'm feeling. I'm not gonna let you out ya hear me..." I muttered to myself.

"Shizuki?" I heard someone nearby call out to me.

I looked over to see Byakuya with a concerned look on his face, "Byakuya?"

I tried to get up but the pain in my back was too much due to the burning I kept feeling from my scars. I almost fell face first on the ground when Byakuya held on and picked me up bridal style, "something is obviously wrong with you Shizuki I can tell," he says as my eyes narrowed looking away from him as he sighed, "I'll take you back to my manor and then you can tell me what's bothering you."

I nod as my hands were in my lap as he began walking then flash stepped to his home. I was in my own little world as I felt a certain spiritual pressure from nearby as I widened my eyes and looked around frantically, "Byakuya let me go!"

He widened his eyes slightly, "how come?"

"Aizen faked his death..." I said looking over at Byakuya with a serious expression.

Byakuya seemed shocked at first but then became serious as well, "how do you know that?"

"He used a fake double of himself and staged his death at a place where it's most obvious. I know because I saw it and unfortunately Momo fell for that trick."

"I see, then what's wrong with your back?" Byakuya asked.

I narrowed my eyes, "take me inside and I'll show you."

He nodded then took me inside and to his room so we'd have more privacy then locked the doors just in case we were interrupted somehow. He placed me gently on his bed as I rolled over being on my stomach. He sat on the edge next to me and moved the clothing enough to see my back littered with several large scars that my dragon hollow caused, "what happened to you?"

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