Chapter 10

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You and Lena just finished a mission and decided to take a mini vacation to London and stay at Lena's apartment. 

London, 7:23 PM 

"Enjoy your meal." The waitress said as she gave you and Lena your food. Lena noticed the waitress wink at you as she walked off towards the kitchen. Lena rebuked at her actions while you laughed. 

You and Lena decided to go fancy and eat at The Ledbury. You and Lena both wore fancy apparel, but still kept your weapons with you just in case.

You and Lena began to consume the food that was placed on the small platters. It costed a pretty penny so you expected a lot out of the meal. 

You could tell Lena was quite hungry as she inhaled the food right off the plate.

"How's the food Lena?" You said with a smile.

Lena wiped her face with a napkin. "Blinding luv!" Lena exclaimed with enthusiasm.


"Ya' know, great? Really good?" 

You were still getting use to the British lingo that Lena used. You and Lena continued to eat and chat. For some reason something felt off, like you were being watched.

You took a quick scan around the room, everything seemed normal but you were still unsure. 

"You alright luv?" Lena said with a concerned look on her face. 

"Something doesn't feel right." You said in a quiet tone while still scanning the room. 

"How come Y/N?" As Lena spoke you saw 5 Talon soldiers enter the restaurant.

"Lena get down!" You yelled as you tipped the table over to use it as cover. 

People began to run and scream as the Talon soldiers began to light the place up with gunshots. Most of the people were able to escape out of the fire exit, it was just you and Lena behind a table. The objective for the Talon soldiers was to capture you, not kill you.

The gunshots remained, you and Lena drew your weapons. You had a Desert Eagle pistol and Lena had her usual dual pulse pistols. 

"Ughhhh.... How am I suppose to do this in Heels?" Lena groaned.

You laughed at Lena. "We got this."

As the Talon soldiers began to reload you and Lena peeked from the cover and fired right back at them, killing all of them. They didn't think that you would bring weapons to a classy restaurant. 

"Lets get out of here!" Lena said as you and her made your way to the fire exit.

You and Lena got in the high-end car that you arrived in and drove away.

(A/N: idgaf if its the future. these is regular cars. Now back to the story!) 

"Wow, that was quite the kerfuffle." Lena said with a giggle.

"Lets hope their still not on us." You said, focusing on driving.

You looked in the rear view mirror and saw another car trailing behind.

"Shit, more Talon Lena." 

"Cant they just bugger off?" Lena said as she stuck her body out of the window and began shooting at the car behind. 

Someone in the Talon car behind began shooting at you and Lena. One bullet went through the rear windshield and through the front, whizzing past your head.

You made evasive maneuvers while driving through the empty streets. Even though not having good aim, Lena was able to pop one of the back tires on the Talon car.

"Wow, your an ace driver Y/N!"

"Lena hold onto something!" 

Lena instantly got back into the car and clinged onto your arm. You took a hard left into a dark alleyway. Due to the Talon car missing a tire, they swerved into the building that was facade to the alley. The car bursted into a ball of flames and exploded.

"Wow luv, Im knackered. Lets head back to the flat Y/N." Lena said with a yawn of exhaustion. 

You smiled at Lena. "Anything for you Lena." 

Lena rested her head on your shoulder as you drove back to the apartment undisturbed. 

(A/N: Jeez, this one took me forever to think up. This chapter isn't anything major. Its gonna lead up to something a lot bigger." 

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