Chapter 11

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(A/N: This chapter takes place a couple months after the last chapter.)

"Well what Im saying is that we need better defenses for our headquarters if we want to stay safe, Talon is a much larger organization than us." You spoke as you sat in Winston's laboratory.

"I know Y/N, me and Torbjörn have been doing our best to set up some sort of defenses but we just don't have enough supplies." Winston said as he tinkered with some electronics.

"We could just send out a scavenger team to grab scrap electronics." You inquired.

"Thats a good idea Y/N, I'll inform everyone else about that to see the general consensus."

As you and Winston planned, the spiritual omnic known as Zenyatta levitated into the room.

"Winston, I have received the news that Talon is planning to destroy my brothers and sisters in the Shambali to rise the tentions in the Omnic Crisis. They plan on bringing their highest ranking members. " Zenyatta explained as he floated in the middle of the doorway.

"When?" Both you and Winston said simultaneously.

"Within the next 72 hours."

"Were gonna have to leave first thing tomorrow morning then, I'll inform everyone. You better go do some training Y/N."

As you walked out of Winston's laboratory you heard him explain the upcoming mission through the intercom that echoed through the base. You decided to walk back to your bedroom as you were going to get ready to train.

Upon arriving, you entered your bedroom to see Lena sitting on the bed with her knees up to her chin and her arms wrapped around herself. Lena stared at her feet, she looked as if she was somewhat distraught.

"Hey Lena!" You proclaimed as you entered the room.

"Hey luv..." Lena said somewhat emotionless.

Usually when You would greet Lena she would cheer with a 'Hiya luv!' or a 'Heya Y/N!' but for some odd reason she wasn't feeling it.

"Everything alright Lena?" You said as you sat with her on the bed.

"No, Im quite alright luv.."

"Lena, whats wrong?"

Lena surely didn't want to tell you as she hates being sad around you, but this time she couldn't hold it in.

Lena sighed. "A while ago, after Overwatch was recalled I went to go see Mondatta. The head of the Shambali."

As soon as she mentioned Mondatta, you knew what she was going to talk about.

"And..... And it was my fault he got assassinated."

Mid sentence Lena began crying, she threw herself into your arms. You felt her tears sink through your shirt and onto your shoulder.

"Lena..... That was in the past, we have to focus on what's ahead of us." Your words weren't the most heartfelt but Lena has touched on this topic numerous times and she would seem normal after.

"I know luv, it's just..... I'm scared that the Shambali will see me as a bad person, a failure."

Lena's tears began to flow faster as she sobbed on your shoulder.

"Lena, your no failure. Your a hero. To everyone. And it wasn't your fault that Mondatta was assassinated. You did everything you could. You can't win everything."

Lena lifted her head off of your shoulder and wiped the tears away from her eyes while she sniffled.

"Mondatta was such an inspiration to me and everyone around the world." Lena whimpered.

"Mondatta wouldn't want you to cry Lena, he would want to see you saving the world. Don't think about the negatives, only work towards the positives." You preached as you looked into Lena's eyes.

"I really could've used someone like you earlier Y/N."

You kissed Lena on her forehead.

"I'm here now Lena." You whispered into her ear.

"I love you Y/N, I love you more than anything."

Lena pressed her head against your chest. You wrapped your arms around her.

"I love you too Lena."

(A/N: Hey guys! Next chapter will be huge! I'll be sure to include a lot of detail and action! And maybe a plot twist!)

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