Ethan #1

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Warning: invoices suicide thoughts and attempts. You been warned.

P.o.v Ethan.

"What is up my cranky crew, it's Ethan from Crankgameplays and today i want to introduce you to someone very special to me. My girlfriend (Y/N)!" (Y/n) walks into frame and sits down. "Hi!" I smile at her.

"Tell something about yourself." "Oké, my name is (y/n) (m/n) (l/n),  i'm 20 years old and i live in (c/n)."

"So to tell more about (y/n), i asked for couple questions. Oké so the first question: how did you met?" I look at her. "Well, it's not a very happy story."

5 months ago

I walk around L.A. I worked very hard the last days, so i toke a break and went to clear my head. I went to a bridge, so i could look at the water. When i walk closer, i see a girl stand by the bridge.

First i didn't think much about it, until i saw the girl climbing up the bridge. I run to the girl and pull her away from the railing.

"NOOO!!!" She cries and screamed. "LET ME GO!!!" I pull her into a hug. She start to snob really loud. "LET ME GO AND KILL MYSELF!!!" I just held her closer.

She stops struggling and hugs me back. I pull away and held her by her shoulders. "Why would you want to kill yourself." She looks down. "Because, i'm not worth it. My dad died, my brother left me and my mom don't care about me. All my friends left me and my best friend betrayed me. I get bullied, every single day. I'm not worth it. I don't want to be here anymore." The girl broke down completely.

I look down at her. "What's your name?" She looks up at me. "Does it matter?" I nod. She sighs. "My name is (y/n) if you want to know." I look at her. '"I can tell you one thing, (y/n). You are worth it. You are a beautiful girl. And if your friends left you, then they are not worth it."

She looks up at me. "Why do you care?" I smile down at her. "Because everyone is worth it. Even you." She smiles at me. It's a broken smile, but it is a smile. "Thank you, for listening to me, nobody have ever done that for me." I smile and hug her again. "Glad that I could help and my name is Ethan."

I walked her home and got her number. "I see you tomorrow." She smiles. "See you tomorrow."

Back to now

"If Ethan wasn't their, i wouldn't sit here. So thank you Ethan, i own you my life." I smile and hug (y/n) close.

We answered a few more questions. "And that was it for today, if you liked this video slap that like button right in the face. And i see you in the next video. Love you all, stay cranky, bye."

I look at (y/n). "I love you so much." She smiles. "But I love you more." I look down. "And i love you the most." I pull her closer to me and kiss her. I love this girl so much.

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