P.O.V (y/n)
I look at my phone. Tears streaming down my face. How could he do this? I look down at the picture again. There I see Ethan and some random girl kissing. Mark send me this picture. He is my overprotective brother. I open my phone and read all the message again. How could I not see this? He was so paranoïde in everything he did. He said he was mine, i thought he was mine.
I sigh, Mark warned me. But I never listened.
P.O.V Mark
What a PIG! He thinks he can hurt my little sister, he haves to think TWICE! I walk in the office. I see Ethan. Ethan stands up and runs up to me. "Mark, thank god, someone who understands what I'm struggling here to do." I take his shirt in my hand. "I'm not here for you." I trow him on the ground. "You invited a new kind of stupid, a damage you can never undo, kind of stupid. An open all the cages in the zoo, kind of stupid. Clearly you didn't think this trough, kind of stupid. Let's review. You think you can hurt my sister and I would be okay with it?" He slowly nods. I laugh coldly. I see Amy, Kathryn and Tyler come in. "I know my sister like I know my own mind. You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind. (y/n) is best thing in our life, so never lose sight with the fact that you've been blessed with the best girlfriend." I walk out of the office, but before I close the door i turn around. "Congratulations and you fired as my editor." And with that I slammed the door shut.
P.O.V Ethan
I walk into my house that I share with (Y/N). I see (Y/N) sitting on the cough staring at her phone. I look over her shoulder and see a picture of me and Piper (Change the name if that's your name) I sighs. "Is she good?" I raise my brow towards her. "What?" She turns to me with a smile. "That girl you kissed, is she good?" I look at her with a blank face. "You disgust me Ethan." And with that she takes a bag that i didn't notice. She swings it over her shoulder and walk out of the door, but before she close the door she turns around and looks at me with dead eyes. "I hope that you burn." And with that she slams the door shut.