Mark #1

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I look over at my boyfriend who lies next to me. Tony is his name. His alarm went and I hear him groan. I giggle. "Good morning sweetie." He looks at me and smile. "Good morning." He sit up. I look down. "Do you have to go?" He smiles a little at me. "I'm sorry sweetheart, but yes." He stood up and got dressed.

When Tony was away, I got a text from Mark. He is an old friend of mine and I help him with editing.

(Y- (y/n) M- Mark)

M: (y/n), Ethan, Tyler and I are gonna record, we need judges, so we want Amy and you do you wanna help us?

Y: Yeah, I don't got anything else to do so, why not?

M: Great, meet us at the park in 10 mins.

Y: Oké, see you later.

M: See you later.

I sigh. Wulp, better get moving. I stand up and walk to the park, because it's a 10 minutes walk from my house to the park.

When I arrive I see Amy waiting for me. When she sees me she runs and hug me. "(Y/N) How are you doing?" She let me go and i smile at her. "I'm good and how are you?" She smiles. "Never been better."

Mark and the boys walk up to us. "Oké, that's enough hugging". I roll my eyes at Mark. "Oh you're just jealous." He laughs. "Sure."

We walk trough the park. Mark gave me the camera. "Oké, is everyone ready?" We nod and Mark does his intro. "Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and today i'm joint with Tyler and Ethan togheter their.... Tythan." The boys start to protest.

Their challenge was, build a tree House, but on the ground. "Oké, Amy and (y/n) are going to jugde us on presentation, looks and how stable it is."

Mark won the challenge. He does his outro. "And I see you, in the next video. Bu-bye." We turn of the camera. "Oké, that went well." We all nod in response. Until Ethan yells. "We should celebrate that to go out lunch with each other." Everyone agrees

We went to (F/R). When we sit down, we chat with each other. Mark, Tyler and I have a conversation about high school. Yes we went togheter.

I look over at Amy and Ethan, but they're acting strange. They glanced over my shoulder and then back at me. I sigh. "Why are you guys looking at me like that." Ethan and Amy glanced at each other. "No reason, but what ever you do, don't look behind you."

I nod. "If you say so." I went back to my food. I look back at Amy. "But sins when do I listen?"

I look over my shoulder and see something that change my life completely. I saw Tony and a random girl making out with each other. I look back at Amy. "Are you oké?" I nod. "Yeah, but I be right back."

I pick up the cup with water in it and walk over to Tony and that girl. I throw the water over the two. Tony looks over at me. "What the hell?" Then he realize that it was me. "(Y-y/n) it's not what it looks-" I cut him off. "Don't we're trow, you can pick up your stuff in MY apartment and then I don't want to see you EVER again." With that I go back to my friends.

Mark hugs me and I hug him back. "Everything is going to be alright. I'm here for you, we all are here for you." I smiled at my friends. "Thank you so much, guys." They smiled and they gave me a group hug.

~month later~

I walk with Mark trow the park. He turns me around. "(Y/n) I like like you. As in more then friends." I look down smiling. "I like like you to, Mark." And with that he kissed you. ❤❤❤

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