5| Dean Winchester

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Dean was on a binge

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Dean was on a binge. He hadn't stopped for over a week. Sam was getting weary of it. Ever since your death, it hit him and it hit him hard. He never spoke to anyone, he barely ate, her wanted to be left alone and he played Kansas songs loud. He never paid attention to Sam either. Finally, Sam confronted him.

❝Dean, you gotta stop this binge!❞ Sammy said as he took Dean's can of Kokanee from his hand. ❝It's killing you.❞

❝Sammy.❞ His groggy voice says. ❝Give that back.❞

❝No!❞ Sam said as he dumped it. ❝It's time you quit!❞

❝You're not my father,❞ Dean says, ❝so stop telling me what I can and cannot do.❞

❝Dean, you're a drunkard right now and I have to act like your father!❞ Sam yells. ❝You know, I let the first couple of days slide. But you know what? I'm hurting too!❞

❝You could've binged with me.❞ Dean says as he opens another one. But it was whiskey this time. ❝Nothing can heal me.❞

❝Something can!❞ Sam yells. ❝Y/N would've never wanted this! She would want you to continue what we started and finish it! She'd call you a coward for drinking like this! Yes, she's not here but drinking will not bring her back! Nothing is going to bring her back!❞

Dean let's his tears fall as he thinks about you and how you died. Your last smile to him. Your last words and the last thing you did was kiss him. Dean could handle it.

❝I know it won't.❞ Dean's voice cracks. ❝I drink because I think I can see her when I do. It's my fault, Sammy. It's my fault she's dead. If I had stayed beside her, she wouldn't have been cornered!❞

Dean sobs and wipes his nose as he smashes the glass of whiskey at the wall and he drops to his knees. Sammy is in tears now.

Nothing they did would ever bring you back.


does it hurt you as much as it hurts me?

TRY! How was this?!


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