CHAPTER 28 - The tables turn

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I walked towards him lifting my sleeves ready to show him what real men do. "I'm sick of you doing whatever it is that goes on through your crazy mind. I don't know where you come up with these crazy ideas Morge." I said taking a nice swing at his jaw. He tried swinging back but one of my men pointed a gun with a silencer at his head. I laughed. "I wouldn't do that if I were you"

"Do whatever it is you going to do Mason, get it over with." He said trying to stand up. I grabbed him by his suit and lifted him again. "You would like that, wouldn't you? Just shoot you and let you live life thinking what you did was okay. See that would be too easy Morge, I experienced pain when you took the only thing that helps me breathe and sleep at night. You starved her and you knew she carries my child. WALKING WOULD BE TOO EASY!" I said raising my voice. "I'm going after the one thing I know you love the most" I smiled viciously in his face-punching him in his stomach causing him to groan and fall onto the ground.

He stared at me. "Your bluffing." He said spitting out blood.

"Oh am I?" I pulled out my phone to dial the number I had stored inside my phone. "Hey, you got what I asked for? Okay, well put her on the phone." I smiled at Alex. "Say Hi Alex."

He grabbed the phone. "Hello?"

"Honey! Where are you? These men are in our house with big guns. What have you gotten yourself into?" She said sounding concerned on the other end of the phone.

"Mom, I'm going to fix this don't worry."

I quickly took the phone out of his hand. "Mike, grab the wife."

"No! Mason, I swear if you let them touch a single hair on any one of them--"

"YOU'RE GOING TO DO WHAT?!" I yelled getting closer to his face. He stared at me knowing what I was capable of. "Did you forget that you threatened me and asked me for money just to get my fiancé back? Well, this time my game is going to be different."

I placed the phone call on speaker. "Mike break the wife's finger and tie up the mom"

"Mason!" Alex yelled.

You can hear the screaming through the phone. Alex tried standing up to fight me but my men wouldn't let him touch me. "Morge don't fight this. I always win and you know this."

"Mike, is there a baby in the house?"

"Yes sir, Upstairs room," Alex responded quickly.

I smiled. "Good have someone bring the baby to me and don't let any one of them out of your sight, Secure the house. Alex also goes to his security camera and deletes the footage. I'll head to his mother's home as soon as I can."

"Mason I swear to god! You better not hurt my little girl." Morge yelled.

I took a swing at his face and he fell back backward. "Did you give a fuck about my little girl? No you didn't so why the hell should I give a damn about yours."

His mouth was leaking with blood again. He spits on the ground. "Because of your a good man Mason. I am not."

I laughed. "Seems the tables have turned haven't they?"

"Get him inside, lock him up in the basement, and don't let him out," I ordered my men. "Mike will send someone to bring the baby, one of you stay outside to make sure he makes it in safely with her."

"Mason!" Alex yelled. "Mason!"

I continued to walk inside the house. As I walk inside I see Emma crying, running towards me.

"Shh! It's okay my love, I'm here." I kissed her forehead.

"I was so scared. Afraid I would lose you out there, your Dad wouldn't let me leave." She said trying to catch a breath.

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