CHAPTER 22 - Baby names.

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As we made our way back home I was thinking of the way Mason treated me. He truly did love me and I've never loved a man the way I loved Mason. He gave me a beautiful daughter.

"So are you excited that we are having a little Emma," He said reaching his hand to hold mine.

I kept staring at him although he's eyes were facing the road I felt like with Mason I felt safe, he was the only man that I would want to be with for the rest of my entire life. "Yes, Thank you, baby".

We made a stop at the red light. "Thank you for what? It's you that has changed me beautifully in an amount that I cannot even begin to explain. I love you so much Emma and I can't wait for you to be my wife"

Wife? Oh god. "I need to finish planning our wedding."

"Yeah, I'll have you in full contact with Jenny and she'll fly to New York to help you out."

I exhaled feeling relieved. We made our way home and now that I was 16 weeks I was showing a little bit.

"Babe?" I said.

"Yes, baby girl." He gripped my hand tighter.

"My back hurts so much I cannot handle this pain. Do you mind giving me a back massage after the shower?" He looked at me and nodded.


"Mason you should get that it might be someone important"

He laughed "I will princess as soon as I get you in the shower that can wait"

He helped take my shoes off and laid me slowly on the bed took off my pants and raised me a little to lift off my shirt. He picked me up to my feet and walked with me to the bathroom, I entered the shower and turned the water to warm not too hot.

I began rinsing my hair out with shampoo and enjoying the shower, I heard Mason screaming inside the room.

"What the hell do you mean he escaped? how the hell is that possible? So what your telling me is you couldn't do your job right and you let this sick man escape which he will then continue to come after my wife and torture her!" His voice was cracked a little but very angry and powerful.

I turned off the shower quickly and stepped out the shower to throw on my robe to quietly listen. "NO, YOU LISTEN TO ME! If you don't find him within 48 hours I will be using the whole FBI do you hear me?" He paused "I don't care! FIND HIM!"

I opened the door to see an angry Mason pacing back and forth. I cleared my throat.

"How long were you standing there baby girl?"

"Long enough to hear your conversation Mason, What's going on?" I asked.

"Don't want to worry you, It's nothing I can't handle" He tried to touch me.

I moved back but raised my hand in front of me to let him know not to take another step closer to me.

"Well from the sound of it, it doesn't seem like you can handle that. So now what Mason? I can't go through another Trauma I can lose my baby girl and I don't need that right now I want this baby so much."

He tried moving closer again but I took a step back.

"Kitten why are you punishing me as if I did this? You got yourself into this mess and I'm trying to handle this to the best of my abilities you're angry with me for no reason when it's me that should be angry with you for putting yourself in a situation that I asked you not to put yourself in"

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