Chapter 3 - It was a mistake

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Emma Reed.

This morning Mason had kissed me. I let it happen, I allowed myself to get so drunk that he was going to fire me for being so irresponsible. I had walked out of his house feeling so embarrassed.

"Hey, Emma you ok?" Alexa asked as I walked into the top floor.

"Yea. Has Mason gotten here yet?" I asked.

"Yea just got in 15 minutes ago. You sure you're ok?" She said grabbing my arm.

"Y-yea just tired. That's all" I said walking towards the double doors into the back of his office. Just thinking of the different ways he could fire me was running through my mind. As I was walking, all I could think was maybe he left a note on my desk or maybe he will embarrass me in front of everyone. Oh lord. Calm down, Emma.

I tried walking past his office as fast as I could. "Emma! Can you please come here?"

'Shit' I thought to myself.

"Good morning Mason" I smiled.

"Yea, let's keep this professional. Our flight was changed because I had to be here and fill out some paperwork. So where's your luggage?"

"Oh um it's in my car. I didn't think we were going."

"Of course, we're going. Let's go." He grabbed me by the hand.

I felt hot, my cheeks were burning while passing all the employees in the office. I was confused why wasn't I fired? If Mason thought I was one of those girls he slept with and let them fall for him he was so wrong. He kissed me and yea I kissed him back but it was a mistake.

As we walked out of the building he let go of my arm. "Get in the car and let me get your car keys"

"Excuse me?" I said staring in disbelief.

"I need to get your luggage and your car will stay with my driver. Come on let's go. We need to be in Miami in a few hours" he rushed me.

I gave him my key and got inside the car. It smelled brand new and it was an all-black Range rover with all Red Leather inside.

"Driver get me to the Airport as fast as you can," he told the driver.

As we drove. I sat back in my seat watching the view outside and enjoying the Jazz music he had been playing in the car. We made it to JFK, I got out of the car. We walked toward check-in to print our flight tickets, got our luggage on a carrier, and on our way through TSA security and to our gate. While sitting down, Mason was on his iPhone texting fast. I wanted to talk to him about that night. To ask him why he did what he did because I know I made it clear that I would never date Mason.

"Flight 802, Flight 802 To Miami Florida to gate 6"

"Well, that's us Mason let's go," I said about to grab my luggage.

"I got it," he said.

"No. It's mine, let me hold my luggage" I said getting aggressive.

"Emma let go. I got it. Now walk to the gate" he said looking me in the eyes.

"Whatever" I walked away walking towards the gate to get to our plane, I passed the flight attendant our tickets. "Have a safe flight" She handed me our IDs and me and Mason made our way toward the plane to look for our Seats.

"What's the number?"


"Here. Come on, sit by the window. I'll put our luggage up."

We are sitting in the Business Class. I have never been on a plane but I won't tell Mason that "Okay."

I bought my laptop with me because I had to do a lot of work for Mason before we landed. "You have all the paperwork and everything you need for the hotel when we get there?"

He turned to look at me. "I did my paperwork. I faxed them over and I just need to answer a few emails" he looked away.

"Great" I smiled opening my laptop ready to answer his emails.

"But I got it. Don't worry" He opened his laptop and smiled at me.

What the actual fuck.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Rebecca and I'm your chief flight attendant. On behalf of Captain Robert and the entire crew, welcome aboard flight 802, non-stop service from JFK to Miami, Florida.

Our flight time will be of 2 hours and 30 minutes. We will be flying at an altitude of 8,000 feet at a ground speed of 120 miles per hour.

At this time, make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is correctly fastened. Also, we advise you that as of this moment, any electronic equipment must be turned off. Thank you."

"Well buckle up and go to sleep." he smiled, typing into his computer.

"Why'd you do it?" I asked in a low tone.

"Do what?" He turned to me.

"Kiss me." I looked at him.

"Let's keep this professional. We can kiss again later if you like" he smiled.

"What? No. Why did you do it? I don't want to kiss you, Mason I made it clear that it was Business only between me and you"

"I kissed you--Because I like you and your beautiful I made that clear as well Emma"

"Well, it was a mistake". I turned to face the outside of the airplane window. "Me kissing you back. It was a Mistake"

"Wow. Okay." He continued typing.

I text my best friend to let her know I was on the flight and I looked out the window as the plane was speeding fast down the runway to take off. 

I got a text message. "I'm in New York. Let's have lunch." From the one person, I thought I got over.

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