Chapter 6 - Ashleigh

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I woke up, hoping what Mason did was a crazy dream but it wasn't. The tabloids have been going crazy about what stunt he pulled in front of the paparazzi and I bet every girl he ever talked to is upset.

"Good morning" he knocked on my door.

I had just gotten off the phone with my best friend she had texted me nonstop all night about the News.

"What?" I answered him annoyed.

"I booked our flight. We have to go back to New York. We will be back soon as you get an answer from the Miami Heats Manager. I have things to take care of back at the Main Hotel"

"Yea, ok sure," I said packing my luggage ready to escape this madness.

We walked towards the elevator and went down to the lobby. Paparazzi had left and Mason made sure he had an Escalade with black tinted windows so no one can see us. As we were on our way to the airport my phone Buzzed.

'My cousin has kidnapped you? How dare he?' I smiled Adam had gotten my attention.

I looked to see what Mason was doing. He was busy texting his fingers off, so I text back. 'Lol apparently, your cousin has this major crush'

Buzz* 'isn't he lucky. How about I meet you in New York I have a house out in the ATL, let him know you're visiting a family member and we can hang out.'

I smiled 'yea sounds nice. Text me the details later before Mr. Harris gets upset'

Buzz* 'ok have a safe flight'

As we made our way through Miami International airport we made it right on time for our flight.


4 hours later.

"Ladies and Gentleman Welcome to John F. Kennedy International Airport, Eastern time is 12:32 pm I hope everyone has enjoyed their flight"

We made our way through the airport, seems like Mason was in a rush because he picked up our bags quickly and we walked right through security.

"Hey, you see that man over there?" He asked.

"Yea." I nodded

"That's the driver that will escort us. Put this wig on and walk to him I'm right behind you"

I walked towards the big buff man. He was pretty hot.

"Ms. Reed. Right this way" he leads me to his car. As I sat down and got myself settled in, Mason sat next to me.

"Woo! That was close. Get us to the hotel right away."

"Hello? Ashleigh my darling, yea I just landed I will see you in a bit. Yea I know, I saw them too but don't worry about it I'll explain it when I see you. Okay bye," he hung up.

I felt jealous for a bit. Asking myself who the hell was Ashleigh. As soon as we got out of the car we were surrounded by a bunch of paparazzi screaming not letting us get by it was a bit frustrating all you can hear is questions being asked from left to right.

"Mr. Harris, can you give us a few words?"

"Mr. Harris, why have we seen you with her in two different hotels?"

"Mr. Harris, have you paid her to act like your girlfriend?"

"Out of the way Gentleman. Mr. Harris will not be answering any of your questions. Please let the man through" she smiled.

She had a burgundy hair color. Her hair was in a sophisticated bun and she had a beautiful tan.

"Hi, nice to meet you. You must be Emma, his assistant." She smiled walking us to the front desk.

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