Chapter 29 - Valarie

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"Just keep him there! Emma is giving birth right now" I said through the phone to one of my Bodyguards.

Emma's screaming was making me nervous. "Oh god please hurry up Mason! She's coming!"

"Babe's trying my best to get us to the hospital just remain calm," I said while speeding and leaving my family behind in the car behind me.

As I was switching lanes trying to get Emma to the hospital I got pulled over by a cop.

"Great! you couldn't drive the speed limit so now we're getting a tick--" She couldn't finish the sentence because she began to scream in pain, I quickly rolled down my window.

"Sir, do you know why I stopped you back there?" He said flashing his flashlight into the vehicle trying to see.

"Yes, sir I do apologize my Fiance is in labor right now, and I'm trying to rush her to the hospital."

"Alright, I'll escort you follow me" He quickly ran back to his vehicle and drove in front of me leading us to the local hospital. Valarie is finally coming, I'm going to be a Dad!

We rushed into the hospital. "What do we got?" The nurse quickly asked.

"She's in labor her water broke 20 minutes ago. Please help her."

"Okay sir, only the father can come let's go." The nurses quickly rushed Emma into the back.

"Everyone stay here. I will be back" I ran behind the nurses as my family stood in the waiting area.

At 4:30 p.m. a doctor walked in and Emma seemed happy to see him.

"Hello Emma I'm putting a monitor on the baby after an hour and two bags of fluid then you could request the epidural if you think it necessary"

"She doesn't need that, just an IV sir thank you"

Emma quickly turned to look at me. "What? do not call shots you are not the one that will be in pain. Thank you doctor I will let you know if I want it just want to see how I handle this pain."

I ignored what she said because no matter what I would not be letting her get an epidural. I sat there, waiting. The contractions started getting painful after about 20 minutes.

Emma started to hold her breath a little bit throughout the contractions. And I was there, telling her to just breathe. After exactly one hour and two bags of fluid Emma started pushing the nurse button and asking for an epidural and I quickly refused that she didn't need it.


"No. I ain't going anywhere this is my child too."

"Well, then I guess you have no choice but to watch me get this epidural then."

I laughed. "Yeah sure Emma I already said no. If you need more medication it's going through the IV"

She quickly glanced at the cup filled with water through it towards me.

"What the hell!" I yelled. "What are you 12?"

"What are you 5?" She smirked.

Emma's nurse quickly came in and suggested she walk around the hospital with me so it can help her get into labor quickly. Emma refused to walk with me but I forced her to no matter what she wanted.

After walking an hour walking around the hospital Emma got the epidural.  She finally fell asleep which gave me time to go out to the waiting area to speak with my family.

"Hey! How is she doing?" My mom quickly rushed to my side.

"Still no baby but she got the epidural even though I didn't want her to."

"Well she's in pain honey you have to be understanding." She smiled "It'll be worth it baby Valarie is almost here"

"Yeah let me just get a coffee. Seems like everyone is knocked out." I laughed

My mom looked at my Dad and brothers and laughed too. "Yeah, they are tired. I'm going to let them go home and sleep. I'll stay."

"No, it's fine mom go home and rest you can come to see the baby in the morning."

"You sure baby? I want to be here to see her so it's fine."

I smiled. My mom nodded and walked to get some coffee.

I walked towards the room again and this time Emma was fully awake.

"Where the hell have you been? did you get lost??" She yelled at me.

I quickly ran to her side and rubbed her back. "Sorry baby needed some coffee while you slept"

She quickly pushed me. "Go! I don't need you."

I huffed. "Emma I'm not even going to take that into offense because I know it's your pain making you talk to me like that."

At about 1:15 a.m. the doctor and nurses came in. Emma started to feel a bit more pressure. They checked her and she still was not there so the nurse suggested she elevate her feet and that her head was lower than the rest of her body. I was skeptical about this but she said it would help her dilate faster. 

About 10 minutes later Emma felt so lightheaded. "Oh god, Mason I feel sick."  Emma's blood pressure had dropped to a dangerous level. 

Emma got a booster from the anesthesiologist and felt fine. an hour later her progress was checked and she was ready to start pushing, so the doctor was called immediately.

The nurse asked me to come next to Emma and help her push. She started to push and after two pushes the nurse said "STOP pushing!" She grabbed the call button and told them she needed another nurse NOW. I was like,

"I feel pressure and I need to push!" Emma Screamed.

She insisted that the doctor would be there in a minute. After what seemed like 10-15 minutes, he finally walked in and sat down. The nurse said, "Dr. Jones, you need to get up and come over here and catch!"

We started again and the doctor told Emma to push. After several times of pushing Emma finally gave birth to Valarie. Valarie was born on 12/9/17 at 3:44 a.m. She weighed 5 pounds, 15 ounces, and was 20 1/4 inches long.

The doctor placed the baby on Emma's chest and she began to cry. "Hi baby," She said. You can hear Valarie screaming her lungs out and tears were falling down my face.

"Dad, cut here" the nurse directed me to cut Valarie's umbilical cord, I proceeded to cut and thanked the staff for all their help.

I came by Emma's side and kissed her forehead. "You did great my love. She's beautiful just like her mom."

Emma looked up at me. "She is and she's ours. I love you, Mason."

"I love you more."

****** ENDING ******

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