Destroying The Proposal

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I am woken by Jai's phone alarm going off. I cover my ears with my pillow. "Jai, turn it off. I want to sleep in a bit longer."

He ignores me.

If he doesn't shut the thing off there's going to be consequences.

It goes off again.

That's it.

I move him across the bed with my feet and arms. When he's close to the edge of the bed I give him one last push and he falls out of bed.

He hits the ground with a thud.

I hope Aleysa and Nate didn't hear that.

"What the f..." he looks at me from the bed. "Why did you that, Chloe?"

I lean over the bed and laugh. "I asked you to turn the alarm off. You didn't. If you want to wake up every morning with that alarm be my guest, but I will kick you out of bed until you turn it off."

The alarm beeps again.

He holds his hands up in surrender. "Alright, I'm turning it off. Geez, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." He turns the alarm off. "I need to get ready." He walks to the bathroom.

I pull the blankets over me and fall back to sleep.

Jai and I both have appointments with our Lawyer's today to destroy The Proposal

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Jai and I both have appointments with our Lawyer's today to destroy The Proposal.

I'm glad the proposal can now be a void in our life.

Jai looks handsome in the suit he's wearing to his Lawyer's office. He told me that his parents dress up when they visit their Lawyers and he's the same way.

I normally wear whatever I feel like to the Lawyers, but for some reason today I put on a dress and some make-up. I tie the bandana on my head.

Jai whistles. "You look beautiful. How about we go out for lunch?"

I smile. "That's a great idea." I look at the door. "I have to take Aleysa with me. There's no one to look after her."

He shakes his head. "Mom and Dad are in town for a couple of hours today and they want to spend time with Aleysa."

"Why didn't you tell me they were in town?"

He shrugs. "I didn't know you wanted to see them."

I sigh. "Why are they here for a couple of hours?"

He takes my hand and we walk out of the room. "They are flying to Italy for the weekend. It's their 30th Anniversary. Mom and Dad have a twelve hour stop over here before they go to Italy. I think they chose to do it this weekend so they could watch Nate's Football game." We walk into the kitchen to see Nate at the table.

He looks at us. "Where are you two going today?"

I move over to him and take a seat. "Jai and I are meeting some important people and then we're going out to lunch."

His Proposal - MATURE VERSION (completed)✔️Where stories live. Discover now