Long Lost Cousin

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Today was a great day and I can tell that meeting the cast of Aleysa's favourite TV show has put her in high spirits. Nate even got to meet to Ashley Benson from Pretty Little Liars when she was walking to her car after a day on set. He walked over to her and introduced himself. She was very professional and she even agreed to have her picture taken with Aleysa and Nate.

On the way home he told me that he was glad that he came and next time we do something that he wants to be apart of it. I told him that we were going bungie jumping and his face paled and he said. "You're kidding right?" He looked at Aleysa and she smiled. "No, were doing that next weekend."

He crossed his arms and said. "You can count me out on that, but I will be there to take pictures and laugh at you when you scream to the bottom of the lake." He turns towards me. "You are doing it from a bridge right?"

That's one of the things that I need to organise tomorrow while Nate's at school. I don't want him around when I book it. He will tell me things to turn me off from doing it and I don't want to be turned off or freaked out by him.

Jai pulls the car into his driveway. He talks to the security guard for a few minutes before the iron gates open. He drives towards the house.

At the corner of my eye I see the guy. Jai slams his break on. He looks at me. "Stay in the car."

I frown. "Jai, I have the right to know who the guy is."

He shakes his head. "I want you to stay with Aleysa and Nate. They need you more than your..." he lowers his voice so my siblings can't head him. "Stalker," Jai puts his hand into the glove compartment and he pulls out his colt. "Lock the doors. I will come for you when it's safe." He steps out of the car and he walks up the path.

Nate looks at me. "He carries a gun?"


He frowns. "So you really have a stalker?"

I nod. "This guy has been following me for a couple of days, but the weird thing is he doesn't seem threatening. What if he needs to talk to me? And all Jai wants to do is hurt him." I pull the key out of the ignition. I open the car door and step out. I lock the doors and head to the spot that I last saw them.

Jai is on top of the guy hitting him. I clear my throat and yell. "Enough," They stop and turn towards me. "Get up."

Jai rises and he steps in front me. "I told you to stay in the car."

I push him out of the way. "I want to know what this guy wants. He wouldn't be following me if he wanted me dead. I think he's been trying to talk to me, but he was doing it in a creepy way." I step to the side so he's not in front of me anymore. "Who are you?"

The guy steps into the light. He frowns. "I'm surprised that you don't remember me, cuz."


I shake my head.

That's impossible he died with my Aunt and Uncle.

The police told my family that the car they found was my Aunt and Uncles. They told us that the entire family was killed in a car accident and that the people in the car were...

I start puking.

Jai looks at Carter. "Is this why you've been trying to talk to her?"

Carter nods. "Yes, she's in danger. The people that killed my parent are after her as well. They found out that there was two girls and a boy in the house during the time of the murder."

I look at him. "How did they find out?"

"Someone was watching the house when the Police showed up." He looks at the ground. "There's something you need to know about that night."

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