Chapter 29

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Tristan's View

         I walk into my room, furious and leave the door open because I know Vincent is behind me. When Vincent enters the room he shuts the door. I look at him and I start to cry. I hate being vunerable. But this is all too much. First Lexi dies, then I meet Vincent and he's everything I've ever dreamed about. Third, Elliot uses my love for Vincent against me and fools with my emotions. Fourth, Lexi comes back and the most amazing person I've ever met has to watch me breakdown. I don't know what to do anymore. I collapse on my bed, just crying. Vincent lays on my bed with me and puts my head on his chest. He stays quiet while I let it all out and he just sits there, rubbing my hair, trying to get me to calm down without speaking. His scent alone calms me. His scent is like nothing I've ever smelt before. He leans over and kisses my forehead. The kiss leaves a tingle on my forehead. His lips so soft and fragile. His chest so hard yet soft. His smile behind his concerned look makes me fall for him even more. I look up to him and I see in his beautiful eyes, something that I've never seen before. I see love. I thought that I loved Lexi. I was wrong. I didn't know what love was. I now know that this man is my whole world. The one that brings color to my world. The handsome man that holds me so tightly, yet gentle. He holds me as if he doesn't want to lose me. Like the thought of me going away scares him. His soft breaths sync to mine. His personality completes mine. He is my missing puzzle piece. "I love you." I say softly. I know that he heard me because I saw him smile. He lifted up my head and kissed me. The kiss was unbelievably powerful. The whole world disappeared before our very eyes as our lips touch for the very first time. At that moment, I knew that this man was my soulmate. My tears were fully dried up. I get on top of Vincent and make out with him. He runs his hands gently across my back, not breaking the kiss.

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