Chapter 35

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Chrissy's View

        Natalie really liked Lacey. That made me happy because I was worried she wouldn't. "Can we see Lacey tomorrow?" Natalie asked. I look at Natalie and smile. "Maybe." I say. I don't want Natalie to get too close to Lacey just in case if Lacey and I don't work out. Natalie would already be heartbroken if Lacey and I ended it. So if they get even closer, she would really hate me. I'm not saying that I don't want to be with Lacey,  it's just I don't know if we will work out. I have a little kid to look after. Lacey is great with kids. But if I have to constantly cater to my sister, it will cause problems. I am now the mother figure of my sister so I can't let her down and she is more of a priority then Lacey is. I really like Lacey but I don't think that I should have asked her out. I have too much going on.

Lexi's View

       I just sit on Tristan's bed, watching him sleep as if we were still together. I make myself invisible so when Vincent and Tristan wake up, they can't see me. I walk out of Tristan's room and walk into Lacey's, still invisible. It's 3am and she's still awake. She's sitting on her laptop on Facebook. I sit on her bed next to her and watch her. I like to be nosey. She was looking through Chrissy's pictures. I found that boring so I go into Lila's room. She's sound asleep with Felicity. I shrug and walk out. They are all so boring. I walk into my old room and rummage through my closet, seeing Lacey stole all of my clothes. Bitch. She also stole my shoes.

Lacey's View

         I scroll through Chrissy's photos, seeing nothing interesting except for pictures with her and her mom. She has none of her and her dad. She has alot her sister. She only has one with her mom. They look like they want to kill eachother in it. It was captioned with "happy mother's day." I laughed. No one looked happy in that photo. I get up and put my laptop on my desk and lay in my bed. Chrissy hasn't stopped running through my mind all day. She hasn't messaged me at all though and that worries me alot. I don't think it's anything I did.

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