Chapter 30

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Lila's View

       I answer the door and Felicity's standing at the door. I smile and kiss her on the lips immediately. She laughs and kisses me back and then pulls away. "I want to make us official." She looks at me, her chocolate brown eyes sparkling. I love her. I nod, smiling. "I agree." I say, grabbing her hands and smiling. I was looking at the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen. The way her hair falls to her shoulders makes me smile. She always smells like cherries. Her laugh is contagious. She's not afraid to tell the world about us. She doesn't care what people think. Her voice is so soft and gentle. I can't believe that someone like her actually exists. Someone like her actually likes me. I pull her down the hallway and upstairs. She laughs and follows me without hesitation. We get into my room and she stops me. "I love you." She says in a soft voice. I smile. "I love you." I say, looking into her eyes once more. She lifts me up and sets me on the bed, kissing me and getting on top of me. I stop her. "I'm not ready." I tell her and she gets off of me. "Oh. I'm sorry" she says. I smile at her. "It's fine. I'm a virgin and am not ready to lose my virginity yet." I tell her, embarrassed. "You don't need to be embarrassed." She says, putting her hands on my face. "I wish that I was still a virgin." She tells me. "I do want you to be my first though." I say.

Felicity's View

        I admire the fact that Lila doesn't want to lose her virginity yet. I'm not mad one bit. I'm actually relieved. I mean, yes I want to have sex with her. But the fact that she tells me when she isn't comfortable about something and doesn't do something she doesn't want to, makes me relieved. I'm not with someone that gives in to peer pressure. "I am honored. I would love to. Just when you are ready though. I will wait." I tell her, smiling and take my hands off of her face. She looks happy that I understand. Of course I understand. If I didn't, I would be a terrible girlfriend. Calling her my girlfriend feels so right. "I'm glad you are my girlfriend." I smile. Her face lights up. "I love hearing those words come out of your mouth." She blushes.

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