Chapter 55

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Chrissy's View

      As soon as I walk into the door of the house, I hear Lizzie yelling at Sora. I walk in there and I see blood all over Sora. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" I yell and drop my purse, immediately rushing over to Sora. "She cut herself because she saw your mom." Lizzie tells me, not looking away from Sora. "YOU SAW MOM?!" I yell. Sora doesn't answer me, nor look at me. She can tell by my voice that I am angry. "We saw her outside an ice cream shop." Lizzie informs me. I sigh and go into the bathroom to get a wash cloth and I put alcohol on the washcloth and go back into the room. I wash up Sora's wounds while Lizzie tells me everything that happened. "This guy, Lance stopped your mom from slapping her." Lizzie says. "Lance?" I ask, looking at Sora. Sora still hasn't said a word. "Do you have his number? I have to thank him." I say, still looking at Sora.

Lance's View

       I walk into Vincent's house and everyone stares at me. I recognize everyone but one person. "You must be Lance!" She yells. I flinch at her loudness and nod. Carly walks up to me and whisper yells "WARNING: SHE IS A GHOST. NOT A HUMAN!!" I give her a weird look but no one else disagreed with her. "You are a ghost?" I ask the strange girl. She nods and just vanishes into thin air. I try not to be freaked out and I just look at everyone for an explanation. "she's Tristan's dead girlfriend." Vincent says. "Yes, because that explains so much." I roll my eyes and go into the guest room, already knowing where it is. Leah follows me. "Still mad that you get the spare room and I have to share with Carly. Have you seen how sloppy she is?!" Leah complains. " IM NOT SLOPPY, YOU'RE SLOPPY!!" Carly yells. I roll my eyes at them. "You are both sloppy." I tell them and shut the door. It was like a circus here. At least I know that there will never be a dull moment. There never is in Vincent's family. "Leah! I told you to do the dishes!!" Vincent yells. "And I told Carly to do them!!" Leah responds. "I asked Casper polietly to do them." Carly says. "HEY THAT'S NOT FUNNY!" The ghost girl yells. I still don't know her name.

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