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April 12, 2014

I'm not supposed to believe in love.

There was this one night when I was in my sophomore year. I remember reading for my North American Studies. As much as I find history cool, memorizing all those stuff was just gruesome. And then, my dad went in my room. There was something with him that I couldn't put a finger on. He started telling me about how he was so happy when he found out that mom was pregnant with me and that he thought I was the most beautiful child he ever saw and that it was his privilege to have me as his daughter. That's when he dropped the bomb on me. He said he and mom were getting a divorce. And that my brother and I were going to stay with mom.

I really did not expect that. The day before, we went to see Phantom of the Opera in our local theater. The year before, our whole family went on a trip to Germany. We were all happy. I guess not.

I knew they fought before, and that sometimes those fights would last for days. But I really didn't expect those fights to end up like this.

And then there's my older brother. I don't know if it was caused by our parents' divorce but he's just so messed up. As long as my mother isn’t around (which is always because she is a stewardess), he would always bring a girl he picks up from wherever and sends her out early in the morning so I wouldn’t know she was there in the first place. But I know and I’m really disgusted.

Even with all that, I still believe in love. You know why? Because despite all those bad stuff, many people are happy because of love. And the happiness of others gives me hope. Just like that laughing couple. Just like that old married couple. And even that nanny running after her kid. And I’m not gonna give the opportunity to have that life just because there are such things as divorce and playboys. Love is so much stronger than that.

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