are you ok?

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The boy was upset.Dan hasn't texted him in days and tomorrow school started.He didn't want...whatever they had to end.He liked their talks.

Ocean Eyes: Dan?


Dan looked down at his phone which was sitting on the bathroom floor.Blood was slowly dripping down Dan's wrist, leaving crimson coloured stains.He hasn't texted the boy in days.He couldn't.His life was already a shit hole,he didn't want anyone else to hurt him.

For some reason he was crying.He didn't know why.Maybe it was because of all the bullying that happened at school and that he'll have to face it again.Maybe it was because everyday his father would beat him and his mother wouldn't bother to care.And maybe it was the boy who he didn't think he cared for,when really he did.

Dan stood up in the tub and slowly stepped out.He took a cup off the bathroom counter and filled it with water pouring it on the stains his blood made on the tub,then over his wrist.He sat the cup back on the counter and looked at himself in the mirror.His cheeks were stained with tears and he had dark bags under his brownie coloured eyes,his curly hair even more messed up than usual.

He looked so fucking miserable.He cried even more at the sight of himself and voices filled his mind with the worst thoughts.

Look at you,no one could ever love that.

You think that boy likes you? Ha! Pathetic.

Maybe you should just go away forever. No one would know you were gone.

Do it.

Kill yourself right now.

No one would care.

"But what a-about t-the boy. He w-would care. Wouldn't he?"

Of course not! You really think he cares about you?

Dan's thoughts were blocked out as he received another message so, he bent down and picked up his phone.

Ocean Eyes: Dan are you ok?


He really wasn't ok. And as much as he wanted to tell the boy he was hurting, he couldn't.

Dan Howell: yeah! I'm fine😊


Well whatcha think.
Sorry I'm not v good at writing but I appreciate everyone's support!💖

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