Chapter Two

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        Chapter one flashback:                                                                                                                                                 Keith looked over Pidge's shoulder to see a cute boy, getting beat up, probably because he refuses to do the kicker's homework. "Cute?! What the hell am I thinking, I can't think that my parents will beat me, or worse." Keith thought to himself.     

June 7, 2018, continued...                                                                                                                                                     Keith sprinted over to the fight. "Do you guys have a problem, with ...?" "Lance," the boy stated. "Lance," Keith said to Ryan, the kicker of the football team. "Yea, actually I do!" Ryan said.  "This nerd won't do my math homework!" Ryan yelled.  "I'm not a nerd," Lance pauses, "I'm a fabulous, and handsome, human being!" Lance stated as he ran his hand through his hair. Keith couldn't agree more. "Shut up, nerd" Ryan screamed as he punched Lance.

         "AAAAHHHH" Lance screamed in pain. "Stop it!" Keith yelled as he stood in front of Lance protectively. "Move!" Ryan shouted. "No!" "Fine I'll just have to move you myself then,"  Ryan stated, with anger coercing through his veins. Ryan pushed Keith on the ground, as Pidge, Hunk, Allura, and Shiro stared in horror, and were worried for the two boys safety. "No!" Keith screamed as Ryan started kicking Lance. "AAAHHH" Lance started screaming! Ryan's friends started laughing, at Keith struggling to get up. Lance cowered in fear, while he hid his head in his leg's. 

        Keith stood up and yelled, "Stop!" Keith punched Ryan. Ryan was about to punch back but before he could, Shiro, the captain of the football team, ran over.  Ryan saw Shiro and ran away with his friends. Keith bent down to Lance and said "hey, are you ok" Lance looked up, to see who his savior was. Lance said "Yea, I'm fine, but my ankles hurt, I don't think I can walk" "Then your suppose to say your not okay," Keith said. Lance laughed at Keith's humor. "All I want to do is make him smile again," Keith thought.  

        "Are you okay? " Shiro asked. "Ye-" No!" Keith interrupted Lance. "He can't walk, for now, but he sprained his ankle, he will be fine." "What is the meaning of this!" Mr. Zarkon yelled. "Ryan Carmichel reported that you punched him! You and Lance both!" "What! No, we didn't he Pun-" "You two detention for one  week!" "What no fai-" "Not but's, detention!" Mr. Zarkon stomped away. "Is someone picking you up?" Keith asked Lance. "No, I was supposed to be walking,"  Lance answered. Pidge, Hunk, and Allura walked over.

        "Do you guys want a rid-, muph" Pidge put her hand over Allura's mouth and said, "I'm really happy you two are okay, but we have to go talk about, girl stuff!" Pidge pulled Allura away and said "I ship it"  "I do too, but shouldn't we give them a rid-" "NO!" Pidge screamed at the top of her lungs. The group looked at her weirdly. Pidge waved them off. "If we don't give them a ride, then Keith will have to carry Lance home!" "Ohhhh" Allura realized what was happening. "I ship klance!" Pidge whisper-yelled to Allura. Pidge and Allura walked up to the group. 

        "Pidge and I are going shopping, we got to go," Allura yelled to the group. "Bye!"  The two girls yelled as they walked away giggling lightly. "Well, Hunk and I are going shopping for video games, bye!" Shiro said as he and Hunk walked away, giggling like two middle school girls, looking at their crush. "Well let's go," Keith stated as he picked up Lance bridal-style. "Woah" Lance shrieked. Keith giggled as they walked away. They walked quietly and happily, but unknowing to their attention, Pidge was taking pictures with her high-quality HD camera, with the group behind her. "What are we-" "Shuddap Allura!" Pidge quietly yelled. 

        "This is for science!" Pidge stated as she continued taking pictures. "And my Timbler account" Pidge mumbled to herself.

Authors note   F.Y.I, Just so you know, "Timbler is this universe's Tumbler. I would also like to say thank you for reading. I know most people hate author's note's so, M.K and I will only post authors notes if important. Thank you for reading! The Trash is signing off!

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