Chapter 2

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            I was writing and usually, trying to focus all my attention to my teacher. But I could feel his stare on me, just burning my skin, and I just couldn't help looking back at him. He is like I remembered his dark brown messy hair is everywhere and his piercing blue eyes just boring into mine as I turned, his muscular body makes it's presence felt through his black shirt that was hugging his body so perfectly and the short sleeves were just making his muscles look so big, I realise that I am starring at him so I intrerupt my train of thoughts and avert my gaze from him, but there is something about him... I just don't know what makes him so special. But I know one thing, I won't stick around to find out.
          As I turned back to the front of the class I tryed to get him out of my mind since I have to somehow pay attention to the lesson. And I was finally doing that when someone's hand lends on my shoulder and sakes me a little making me turn around to give me a piece of paper which is ripped out of someone's notebook.
          I unfold it away from the teacher's eyes and read what was written inside: Meet me at your locker after class. I will be waiting.
          What? Who would write something like that? Actually no. Who would write something like that to me? I turned back and I saw him smirking at me, I swear it should be illigal to look this perfect and to have such a powerful effect on someone. Well this day apparently will just go downhill from here. I...I will just go strainght to my class since I do have my chemestry book with me. I need to get as much distance from him as possible, what would someone like him want with me anyway, we are so different.
          The bell rings and I am one of the first person to get out of the class, trying to put some serious distance between the two of us.
           I don't even look back while making my way through the halls, I just hope that he can't see me through all this people cause I don't want him to follow me...that's the last thing I need right now a guy in my life...I just don't have time for wathever he wants with me.
          I finally found my chemestry classroom and I just run to my sit, which is in front of the class, but I try as much as possible to hide from anyone that could possibly see me from the door, since my locker is next to this class. But I don't even know why I am so scared, he is clearly not interested in me, maybe he was just mocking me, or he was just trying to make fun of me. After all, I am the quiet girl who always reads and is always paying attention to the teacher. It's like I invite this kind of people to make fun of me.
          I can breathe again once the bell starts ringing, a feeling of safety just embracing my body. But that feeling only lasted for a couple of seconds because after the bell rang his icy eyes just made their way through the door and my heart just dropped in my stomach. He was glaring at me making me feel very uncomfortable.I felt like running, but I am smarter than that, I know that I have nowhere to go. He was just getting closer and closer to me, looking at me like I was some kind of small animal without any self defance. Once he was in front of my desk he closed the distance between the two of us and whispered in my ear: "It will be way harder than that to get rid of me darling..." and then he just walked away making his way to the back of the class. He just left me here astonished with no other explanation, for example why is he doing this?...What have I gotten myself into? But most importantly, why does he care? He is that kind of boy that all the girls fall for, he is part of those high circles of the school, to be fair I don't know if he is a bully like in those cheese high school movies, where the most popular kids are bullying the others that stayed in their way, since I haven't really kept an eye on him, or any other boy for that matter. But I know for sure one thing about him, he is not interested in seeing a girl like me.
      After class, I stormed out of there so quickly to the cafeteria, like my life depended on it, to meet the only person that could take my mind of everything right now.
       I entered the huge double glass doors and I was immediately hit by a strong smell of different kind of foods, which was flooding this place. I was making my way through the round tables when I finally found her, deep red hair fanning over her shoulders like a settling dust cloud. Her ecstatic energy was quickly directed to me and she started waving to me with her perfectly manicured hand. I go straight to our table, which was as always occupied by only the two of us. I don't even have time to sit when I am pulled in to a bear hug that crushes my lungs emptying them of any remains of oxygen.
    "OMG! We have so much to catch up! I can't believe that I haven't seen you the hole summer!" Laura's voice, abnormally loud for a normal person, gretted me with such an enthusiasm that it just brightness my hole day that was clouded by today's events.
     "Hey, I missed you too. How was your summer?" I asked my best friend, with entusiasm. I just realised how much I actually missed her.
      "Well you know partying, sleeping, netflix and chill...and have I mentioned boys?! Hah!" Of course, I already knew her answer. She is simply the perfect oposite of me. I do not even know how we are so close when we don't even have one thing in common. She is so beautiful, and has such a beautiful style, in one word, she is perfect. When I, on the other hand... Let's just say that I am not the most outgoing person you will ever meet.
      I swear her smile could not be any bigger than this so I just couldn't hold back my pending question.
     "So, anyone special in that boy category?" I ask her while flashing a warm smile at her.
      "No, not really...but I have my eyes on a couple of possibilities. And how was your summer? I bet you mett someone!" I cringed when I heard that boy part...What's with all the hipe about being in a relationship? I simply don't get it!
     "Laura, you know me, why are you even asking about that?"
     "Well, a girl can dream! But for real now. When are you going to even try meeting someone? I refuse to let you grow old and alone, mostly because I don't want to be attacked by a dozen of cats when I am visiting you, but also because you are my best friend!"
      I just start to histerically laugh at her statement, her inner drama queen is making her way to the suface as I can see.
      "Why are you always so dramatic? I wont grow old with a dozen of cats...just one or two." I say teasing her, but stop laughing when her eyes widen like she just saw a ghost.
    "Laura, are you ok? Hey! I was kidding! I-"  I tried to say but stopped immediately when I see a shadow towering over our table and over my friend's face.
     I swallow hard preparing myself to tilt my head backwards only to meet the icy blueness of his eyes, they generate a feeling like I was being pulled into a lake of frozen emotions. It was like all the myriad shades of blue swirled together to form a whirlpool of apprehension.
      I am just staying there frozen waiting for something to brake the silance between the people at the table when Laura cleared her throat, finally cutting the heavy curtain of tension that was laying on my shoulders.
     "Hi, would you mind if I steal your friend for a couple of minutes? We have to clarify some things."
     "Oh, no! By all means, she is all yours!" She said in her cheearful voice leaving me at his mercy.  I look at her throwing daggers from my eyes. I am telling you, if looks could kill she would have been 3 foot under the school right now.
      But she just smiles at me not giving any attention to my serious look. And I couldn't get out another word because a strong hand grabbed my arm and made me stand up from where I was sitting comfortably a minute ago, making me stumble while following him wherever he is going to take me.
      Once we are on the hall and we are alone I suddenly feel very intimidated by him staring me down, my anxiety is over the normal limit when I realise that we are alone here, seeing how everyone is in the cafeteria at this hour.
      "So, now that we can finally talk. What's your name darling?"
      "Why do you ask?" I try to sound confident, and it actually works. But I am sure that if he gets any closer or if he tryes to make any sort of contact with me I will loose it.
        "What is with all the questions?" He is starring me straight in the eyes but I avoid him and stare at the floor when I feel his fingers under my chin forcing my head up to meet his face. And there goes my confidance flying out the window. His touch feels like it's sending electricity through me, making my hole body just feeling like jelly.
      "Listen, I want you to go on a walk with me." He says calmly...just like this is a normal conversation.
       "W-What? I don't think I understand? What?" I say frowning confused by his question. Is this a joke?! What is going on? I look everywhere, feeling like someone is watching and he is just joking...very rudely joking. But my train of toughts is suddenly intrerupted by my back hitting the lockers being pushed by him stepping forward, and before I realize it his hands are on both sides of my head, keeping me captive.
      "Don't over think! I know that's what you are doing right now. Just accept my invitation. Because I promise you, I do have other ways of convincing you to go with me, but I am not sure you will like ether of them." His lips are now so close to my face, I can feel his warming breath on my cheek as he whisperes this to me. If I wasn't in this position trapted and so affected by his body so close to mine, I would have talked back to him and asked him to prove those 'other ways' to me. But something in his voice tells me not to question him, cause I am sure I wont like the answer.
     In a final attempt to get free and put some distance between us I try pushing at his chest but he does not move at all. I feel even more helpless as I see that my attempt fails so easily.
     " You won't go any where until I have my answer, sweetie. So quit trying."
      I let a havy breath out with my head facing the floor and finally start talking again.
      "...fine." is the only thing that leaves my mouth. But I can see that he is perfectly fine with the answer as he finally takes a step back, living me cold and with my head feeling dizzy.



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