Chapter 7

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    My house feels cold.
    I walk through the door and the darkness embraces my hole existence. It feels like the place where I felt the safest, where I always looked forward to get from school or from a long day, has now become a cold and icy house, and this is not a place where I want to be right now. I want to go back to the days where everything could have been solved with a book and a cup of my favourite tea. I want to go back to the times when I was laying on the sofa watching a movie with my best friend next to the fireplace.
    I just don't want to be alone...
    I can't be alone right now... So I take a moment to breath and fight back the tears, and I just grab my purse back and storm out of the house in my still wet clothing, running straight down the street to Laura's house.
    All the lights in the house were still on, so I just literally run on the front porch and start banging on the door. My tears starting to run down my face faster and faster.
    The door swings open after a couple of seconds and in front of me stays a pijamma dressed Laura with a shocked face. She grabs me not even asking any questions, and easily drags me upstairs to her cozy bedroom.
    This house was way warmer then mine and way more put togheter, she has always surprisingly been more organised then me. My wet feet are stepping on her dark chocolate hardwood floor, passing by a guest bedroom and finally stopping in front of her bedroom.
    Such a beautiful room, the walls were painted a beautiful pearl white that make this place look even brighter and bigger then it actually is. There is also a big window, framed by a white painted wood, with some beautiful detailing at the top, we used to sit at this very window two summers ago, talking about everything and nothing at the same time. But now this doesn't look exactly like I remembered, it's because of the awful weather outside. Those grey clouds just won't leave any sun peaking through.
    She seats on the bed dragging me along with her. Her bed was so fluffy and comfortable, I almost didn't realise that she was starring at my face which has mascara filled tears all over it. I could bearley see anything as my vison is starting again to cloud with spider web tears. Laura yanks me in a bone crushing hug. But I pull away immediately, since I don't want her to get wet.
    -What happened, Nessa? Her voice was almost cracking under the weight of the concern in her tone.
    I make an effort to raise my head to look her in the eyes and shake my head. It's sadly all I can do, my hole body is aching and I suddenly start to feel the wet clothes that are hugging my body.
    In the blink of an eye Laura jumps from the bed and brings me some fresh, warm and comfortable clothes to change into. She then points to the shower that is linked to her room. I nod, while I try to plaster a small smile on my face, to show her the gratitude, but right now I am a sobbing mess and a smile is the last thing that my facial muscles remember how to do.
    The hot water hits my frozen body. Just now I am realising how tensed I was. The hot water is a true miracle, it almost instantly makes my sholders go from the stiff position that they were in, to normal.
   Laura enters the room with a tray in her hands, she has brought tea for the two of us. She knows me better then anyone.
She lays the tray on the bed and comes near me, her worried expresion apearing clear on her face, I can tell by the creasing on her forehead.
   -Are you feeling better?
   -Yeah...that shower deffinetly helped.
    -Can you tell me what happened? Because I swear if he did something to you....he will have to find other ways to have children.
    Her voice was filled with range.
    -Please...just don't. I knew what I was getting into, he just....I don't even know, he acted so strange. I kind of got scared, and I left so...I don't think he will want anything to do with me any way.
    -He shouldn't have had anything to do with you anyway! You diserve a guy who can show you how much you mean to him, who will give you roses and chocolate not blunt promises or treat you like you are nothing, he isn't the right guy!
    Tears started falling again on my dried face, I am surprised that there even are more, I tought I cried them all out, but I guess not.
    -Aww...Nessa, I am so sorry that I didn't get you away from him in time, I knew he was a jerk.
    -It's fine. I am not heartbroken I just got scared of him for a moment, I told you his eyes were filled with anger and he legitimately kind of made me run for the hills...I say chuckling a bit.
It is so ridiculous that I was crying over him, it's not like we were something, he probably wishes he never knew of my existence after wasting his time like that. I think you should be sleeping here tonight, I will give you some of my clothes in the morning, it's not like we haven't done this before. She says winking at me.
    Her words make me chuckle. She smiles after hearing me and we make our way to her oversized bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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